I Only Want to Talk to You

Start from the beginning

Harrison's POV
I need to win her back I can't keep doing shit to hurt her I can't I love her and I should be the one hugging her and kissing her she is supposed to be mine. Just like in the movies the kid falls in love with his best friend and they get married, but no I have to almost rape her. I walked out of the hotel and just kept walking.
"Harrison wait." Daisy yelled
"Daisy just please stay away from me before I hurt you again." I sighed
"Harrison why are you like this?" She asked
"Because I love you so fucking much and seeing you with Harry hurts I thought I could get over it but I can't I really can't stand seeing you happy with someone else." I sighed
"You will find someone." she sighed
"What if I don't your my best friend and I love you I keep telling myself that I'll be happy without you but I honestly don't think I will." I said
"Harrison you said you wanted me too be happy." She said
"Yea and I didn't realise that you would be happier with Harry." I said
"I'm sorry." She hugged me.
"Daisy please get off of me." I sighed
"No I need my best friend." She cried
"It's ether Harry or I." I sighed
"Please for make me pick." She cried
"Daisy get off of me." I pulled her off of me.
"I can't chose." She cried
"Well I'll help you, don't talk to me again I just need to forget my feelings for you I'm blocking you on everything bye Daisy this time I'm leaving please take care of yourself." I walked away
"So you are just leaving like that?" She yelled and people started looking.
"This is how I felt when you didn't talk to me for those four fucking years." I yelled and didn't look back.
That felt like weight just got lifted off my shoulders. I'm probably going to get yelled at by Tom later but I don't care. I called Z.
"Do you have someone go can get me a case of beer?" I asked
"Yea why?" She asked
"Because I just got rid of someone who doesn't love me." I smiled
"Okay well I'll have Tom bring it over after set." She said
"Okay thanks." I hung up
I went home and took a shower then started watching tv for a couple hours till Tom knocked on the door.
"Come on." I said he open the door and gave me the beer.
"What's this for?" He asked
"I told Daisy not to talk to me again till I get over her." I smiled
"You're happy?" He asked
"Yea why would I keep hurting her it's best for the both of us if I just stayed away from her." I smiled drinking the beer.
"She is probably so upset." He sighed
"She has Harry." I smiled
"Okay true." He sounded not sure.
"Want one?" I held out a beer.
"I'll take one but that's it." He took it.
"No your Tom you don't only have one." I laughed
"I'm leaving to go check on her." Tom said
"Okay." I said and started to watch more tv.

Harry's POV
"Sweetheart eat something you haven't eaten all day." I said
"I don't want to there is probably going to be food at the concert." She cried
"What did he even say to you?" I asked
"He said never talk to him again because he can't stand me being happy without him." she said.
"I don't know what to say besides I'm going to go talk to him." I kissed her cheek.
"Harry?" She asked
"Yea?" I asked
"Do you think what we have will ever be for the long run?" She asked
"I mean we both love each other and make each other happy I guess why not." I said
"Can you call me princess again?" She asked
"Sure thing princess." I smiled and walked out.
"Where you going?" Tom asked
"Talk to Harrison." I sighed
"He is probably drunk good luck mate." He walked into my flat.
"Okay I guess you can go in." I laughed and walked to Harrison's flat.
"Harrison bro open up I need to talk to you." I knocked
"Hey Harry want one." He opened the door and held out a beer.
"No I need to talk to you about Daisy." I sighed walking in.
"Let me guess she won't stop crying she is in bed and won't eat." He sighed
"Yep." I said
"Well she is better off without me I know I can tell she is scared of me but she wants to love me." He sighed
"I know but can you at least talk to her?" I asked
"No because I'll hurt her." He said
"Can you control yourself?" I asked
"Have you ever been so in love with someone that you will do anything and everything to get hem to love you back?" He asked
"No." I said
"Then you won't get it." He drank more of his beer.
"Harrison your like her brother she needs you and Tom." I sighed
"She couldn't chose between you or I so I chose for her." He said
"You know what you asshole you when I'm done with you trying to ruin our relationship so I'm just done." I walked out of his flat.
"Harry what are you doing?" He asked
"You will see." I got into the elevator and so did he.
"Seriously what are you doing?" He asked
"I said you will see so shut up." I yelled
I got out of the elevator and walked into our flat.
"Daisy we are done." I yelled
"What?" She asked
"Yea I'm done with this asshole making you upset and trying to tear us apart so he wins in done." I took off my ring
"What the fuck Harrison." She yelled
"I didn't tell him to do this." He yelled
"No this is all your fucking fault you asshole." I yelled
"Harry please don't do this." She cried
"Okay then Him or I." I yelled
"I don't know." She cried
"Harry what are you doing?" Tom asked
"Daisy me or him." I said
"I chose you of fucking course you said we are going to be together for the long run." She cried
"Exactly Harry now bye guys and Daisy have a good life." He said leaving.
"Harrison wait." She got up and walked out with him.

You promise?: Harrison OsterfieldWhere stories live. Discover now