You Got Me A What?

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Harry's POV
I woke up to Daisy shaking me.
"Can you stop that." I sighed
"No it's eight and you need to take a shower." She said
"Just five more minutes." I pulled her back next to me.
"Harry you know how much I love you." she giggled
"Yea?" I asked closing my eyes
"Go take a shower." She pushed me off the bed
"Jesus I don't like you." I groaned
"Yes you do now get off the floor." She threw a pillow at me.
"Stop being so abusive." I laughed
"Not until you get in the shower." She threw another pillow at me.
"That's it your going outside till I'm done." I jumped up and picked her up
"Harry put me down you're hurting me." She yelled
"No I'm not you're faking, this is what you get." I said as I put her on the balcony and I walked back inside and locked the door.
"Harry don't fucking touch her." Tom came in our room
"Chill out she is right there she is fine." I laughed
"Then why was she yelling stop your hurting me." He got mad
"Tom chill out I'm fine." She laughed through the door
"Are you sure you're fine." He asked
"Don't open the door." I said
"Why?" Tom asked
"She pushed me off the bed and start throwing pillows so I can take a shower so she staying out there till I'm done." I said
"It's not funny." Daisy pouted
"I've been waiting so long to do this." Tom closes the blinds
"She is finally out of our lives." I yelled
"I know right I've been trying to do that for so long." Tom laughed
"Guys that's not funny." She got all serious
"Sorry we shouldn't have said that but I'm going to take a shower." I yelled and shut the bathroom door behind me
I took a fast shower so I could let her back in since I need to see if she was fine after what Tom and I said. I walked towards the door and opened it.
"You are such an asshole Holland." She walked passed me
"Sorry for saying the shit I said earlier." I tried hugging her
"Don't touch me I'm mad at you." She said backing away from me.
"Princess I'm sorry." I sighed
"You know my biggest fear is losing Tom you and Harrison it's not okay for you too joke like that." She yelled
"Princess I'm sorry I took it way to far." I said
"Harry just don't talk to me I just want to be left alone." She said crying
"I can't leave you alone you are going to relapse and I can't let you do that." I said
"Harry just leave me alone we have an hour before we need to leave just tell Sam to come in here if you are worried." She said crying
"We are settling this on the plane." I said walking out of the room
"Yea whatever." She sighed
"Sam can you go stay with Daisy in her room before we leave I don't trust her alone and we are fighting." I sighed
"Yea that's fine."
"Yea no trust in this fucking relationship." She yelled
"Daisy just be quiet." I yelled
"No make me." She yelled
"You know what just do what you want I don't fucking care anymore all I ever am to you is nice and you do is cry 24/7 like I'm sick of it." I yelled
"If you are so done with it why are you still with me." She yelled
I was about to say something but Sam stopped me.
"Harry be quite before you say something you will regret." Sam said
"I'm leaving I'll meet you all at the airport." I said
"Yea all you ever do is leave when I get mad you, you just say we will talk about this later." Daisy yelled
"Holy shit." I whispered and walked back upstairs.
"I'm only doing what you want." I yelled at her
"Sam please leave Harry and I need to talk about this." She said
"Thank the fucking Lord." I said
"All I am is nice to you like I made you breakfast in bed I got you a bear I'm renting us a flat in New York City so you are not away from Tom and this-" I yelled then she cut me off
"You are renting me a flat?" She spoke
"Yes I wanted it to be a surprise but you are to busy yelling at me to realise that I'm always doing something nice." I said calming down
"I'm sorry I yelled at you its just not a good week and when you said that stuff earlier it just made me mad and upset." She hugged me
"It's fine love just don't make me yell at you again." I smiled
"I'll try not to." She laughed
"Is this how it's going to be every time you get your period." I picked her up
"Yes probably." She kissed me
"Oh god." I sarcastically say
"I'm so happy like does Tom know about this?" She asked
"He probably does now since I yelled it." I laughed
"Sorry for making you so mad." She kissed me again and wrapped her arms around my neck
"It's fine." I smiled and sat down
"You are really enjoying this aren't you?" She asked
"Yes I am do you have a problem?" I tilted my head
"No not at all." She said kissing me
"Good." I laid her on the bed
"Harry we can't." She laughed
"Oh my god." I groaned
"Sorry to disappoint you." She giggled
"No you are not." I laughed
"No I'm not so get off of me before I scream rape." She laughed
"Don't joke like that princess." I sighed
"Who told you?" She asked
"Harrison and Tom." I said
"Oh." She said
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked
"I don't know I didn't think it was important."She said
"You didn't think that was important?" I asked
"Well I did but I just didn't want you too think anything different of me." She mumbled
"Princess knowing a guy taking advantage of you doesn't change my thoughts on you it just gives me of an idea of what you went through I would never fully understand why he did those things to you but I'll like to have an idea so I know how to treat you." I played with her hair
"The way you treat me now is perfect." She blushed
"I try." I laughed
"Guys we need to leave."Tom walked in
"Next time knock you asshole." I yelled
"Did I interrupt something?" he asked
"No but you if you came in two minutes ago you would of." Daisy laughed
"Okay can you guys stop putting pictures in my mind." Tom said
"What time does the plane leave?" Daisy asks
"It's not a plane it's Z's jet." Tom said
"What she has a jet how am I just finding out about this?" She freaked out
"I don't know how do you think we got here so fast." Tom laughed
"I don't know you are Spiderman you can do anything." she laughed
"Well I can't be on a flight in an hour that is literally impossible for anyone." He laughed
"Yea I know." She said
"Okay guys we need to leave now Z won't stop spamming my phone she is annoying." He laughed
"Aw does Tom have a little crush." Daisy messed around with him
"No no stop no that isn't ever going to happen she is too tall, she doesn't stop roasting me." He said
"Tom listen child you like her." Daisy laughed
"Daisy shut up or I'm leaving you here."
"You can't I'm renting a flat so if you do you have to pay this months rent." I said
"What you guys are already living together?" He asked
"I mean we have been sharing a room for a month." She laughed
"Okay but this is a flat." He said
"I know I'm sorry I have a boyfriend who doesn't want me to be upset." She smiled
"Why are you going to be upset?" He asked
"Because I'm away from my two best friends." She smiled
"So you are renting a flat just to make her happy." He looked at me
"Yea pretty much." I smiled at her
"See Tom you should treat your girlfriend like this." She smiled
"If you ever get one." I laughed
"Harry he will find one I hope." Daisy laughed
"Okay guys go get your asses in the car." He yelled and Daisy jumped
"Tom just for scaring me carry my stuff downstairs." She laughed grabbing her guitar and bear I gave her
"You don't trust me with your guitar?" He asked
"No and especially not my bear ether." She laughed
"How do you put up with her." He asked me walking downstairs
"I put up with you for my whole life and now one is as bad as you are." I laughed
"Yea whatever." He carried her stuff to the car
"We have to pick everyone from the hotel." Harrison said from the car.
"Okay and this must be?" I said looking at the girl.
"Makayla." She smiled
"Oh I heard things about you." I laughed
"I hope they were good." She smiled
"Yea they were." I faked smile
"There isn't any room for my-" Daisy said before looking at Makayla
"Daisy I haven't seen you in forever." She yelled
"I know I've missed you." She looked at me
"Here just put it on top of everything." I took her guitar and grabbed her hand
I sat next to Makayla so Daisy didn't have too.
"So Daisy I see you still sleep with bears." She said looking at the bear
"Yea Harry gave it to me." She smiled at me
"That's so cute." Makayla smiled
"This is all an act." Daisy whispered in my ear
"I know I can tell." I whispered then kissed her cheek
We pulled up to the hotel and everyone else got in.
"Guys be quite Daisy is sleeping." I whispered
"What are you guys doing here?" Jacob asked
"Harry is renting a flat for Daisy so she isn't away from Harrison and I." Tom said
"Oh my god that's to adorable." Laura said
"That is but why can't she just stay in London?" Makayla asked
"Not to be rude or anything but who the fuck are you?" Z asked
"Harrison's girlfriend." She smiled
I just texted the gc

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