Chapter 1

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Mabel's Pov

"Good night bro bro". I said."Good night Mabel". Dipper said. After I hear him say that I drifted off to sleep.

Dipper's Pov

After making sure Mabel was asleep. I drifted off as well.
(Time skip brought to you by Mr. Doritos Cipher)

I woke all of a sudden sweaty and panting like crazy. I went to the bathroom to wash my face. When I look at the mirror, I saw one of my eyes blue with a pupil like Bill's eye. I started rubbing my eyes just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I look back at the mirror and saw my eye back to normal. I sighed in relief but I was curious. I went to the kitchen and took a fork. I keep stabbing myself and it felt so good. "MORE MORE". I said while laughing insanely. I suddenly heard footsteps coming down the stairs then I teleported back to our room. I look at my arm. "Man, pain is hilarious". I said. I cover my mouth and thought about my actions. "What's happening to me?".I asked myself. I heard footsteps coming upstairs and I dash to my bed and pretended to sleep. "Dipper, are you awake" Mabel said.

Mabel's Pov
I woke up from hearing a insane laughing. I got up and slowly walk downstairs as it stop laughing. When I arrived by the kitchen I saw a bloody fork by the table and I rinsed the blood off. I walk back upstairs and walk to my brother's bed. "Dipper, are you awake?". I asked
But there was no response so I assumed he was asleep and I as well fell asleep.

Victoria here and I just want to say that this is the first story I've ever made and I am sorry If you think it's short. I will com update my story later. Bbbbbyyyyeeee!!!!! #SO MUCH HOMEWORK

Demon Dipper  (Being Rewritten)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora