t w e n t y s i x • Class and More Class

Start from the beginning

Draco leaned in closer to talk to you. "(Y/n), you threw up earlier.. you need to eat."

Oh, so they're going to be caring now?

"No, you're going to eat if I have to feed you myself!" Blaise ordered, shoving a fork into your hand.

You groaned and banged your head onto the table.
You woke up, pushing back the silk sheets that covered the four-poster bed. You yawned as you looked over to the other beds. The only remaining occupants were Pansy Parkinson and Tracey Davis.

You sleepily walked over to Pansy's snoring body. You poked her side and she jerked.

"C'mon Pansy, we have to go all the way to Herbology." You tried waking her up. She groaned. You rolled your eyes but went into the bathroom to get ready.

You stepped out of the bathroom, clad in the uniform. You done your hair and threw the hairbrush at Pansy.

"Hey!" She shot awake.

You raised an eyebrow at her. "Get up if you want to get to class on time."

She started to look through her trunk for something. "But (Y/n) it's not that I want to go to class at all really!"

You went down the stars from the girls dorm into the Slytherin common room.

You looked to the couch to see nobody there. You sighed. The boys must still be asleep. You walked up to the boys' dorm. Funny... a slide appears if a boy tries to walk up the girls' but not the other way around. The trust runs thick around here obviously.

You knocked on the door, not wanting to walk in at the wrong time. Again. That was a pretty traumatizing memory. Goyle answered the door.

You raised an eyebrow. "Tell them that if they aren't down here in 5 minutes-"

"They already left." He interrupted your order, knowing who you were talking about.

"Huh?" You asked, slightly deflating.

"They left a while ago, surprised they woke up that early really.. must've gone to breakfast." He answered casually, oblivious and dumb as usual.
"What was that about?" Pansy asked, skipping down the steps.

Her voice brought you out of your thoughts. "I don't know... they just went to breakfast, we'll catch up with them later." You reassured mostly yourself.

"Don't they always wait for you though?" She asked, no malice in her voice.

You shook your head slightly. "It's alright, really." You brushed it off like a joke. You and Pansy made your way to Greenhouse #3.
"(Y/n)!" Hermione exclaimed, running over once she saw you.

"Thank god you're finally here, they were driving us crazy!" She pointed to the corner of the Greenhouse. There were the people you were looking for, sneering at anything in sight. Theo caught your eye, losing his composure for a second before averting his eyes.

"Parkinson." Hermione greeted with a nod. They were civil, and for that you were grateful. They weren't friends and you knew that, Pansy nodded back.

Everyone filed in and you were stuck at a spot between Draco and Ginny.

"Where were you all this morning?" You asked, leaning on one of your elbows.

Draco jumped at the sound of your voice. "Oh! Uh... Blaise was super hungry this morning, couldn't wait, sorry." He attempted, laughing nervously. You raised an eyebrow that said you definitely did not believe that sorry-excuse for an answer. Before you could voice your suspicions, Professor Sprout walked in.

snakes are two sided // draco malfoy UNDERGO MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now