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"You're sure I can't get up yet?" Hawke fidgeted in bed. It was a comfortable bed, but she'd been stuck in it for almost a week, allowed out by her over-solicitous husband only to attend to the necessities of personal hygiene.

"How are you feeling?" Fenris bent over her, anxiously looking into her eyes. He put his hand on her forehead.

"Much, much better." She hooked a finger over the top of his breastplate, pulling him toward her. "So much better that I think I'll have to get up ... unless you can think of something more interesting for me to do in bed than sleep." They had yet to consummate their surprise marriage—Fenris had been too concerned about her health to risk the activity.

"Hawke, do you think—" he began huskily, but the words were cut off as she kissed him with a thoroughness that made it clear thinking was no part of her plan. "Well," he said, pulling back from her and beginning on the buckles of his armor, "when you put it that way."

Evelyn sat back against the headboard, watching him disrobe. She still remembered his mute misery at the idea of undressing in front of her, the first time they had been alone in this room. Now he took his clothes off with no shame, his eyes steady on hers. Tossing aside the covers, she wriggled gingerly out of her nightgown, expecting to be sore, and was pleasantly surprised when there were no twinges from the site of her belly wound or any of the injuries from the beating the Templars had given her.

Fenris came toward her as she sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes hot and glowing green as they surveyed her body. Evelyn found herself arching into his gaze, practically feeling it warming her flesh. Hungry for the taste of him, she reached out, pulling at him closer until she could run her tongue over the defined muscles of his abdomen. The tang of the lyrium buzzed pleasantly as her mouth moved over his markings. Fenris's deepened breathing encouraged her, and she allowed her tongue to trail lower until she was licking down the length of him, taking him into her mouth. His hands clasped her head, holding on as she sucked.

At last, with a deep growl, he pushed her back. Evelyn felt a rush of satisfaction at the urgency with which his body covered hers. Fenris gathered her into his arms so that their bodies were pressed firmly together, kissing her hard. Evelyn responded with a greedy eagerness of her own. Their hands moved over each other, caressing and exploring and rediscovering each sensitive area. At last, Evelyn couldn't take it any longer, feeling an aching emptiness inside her. Fenris seemed to feel the same, holding himself poised above her on trembling arms while she guided him to her core, wrapping her legs around his hips to hold him against her. They moved together, too excited to take it slowly. Each deep thrust pushed Evelyn closer to the edge, and she tangled her hands in his hair, urging him on.

"Mine," she growled. "Mine always."

Her words were all he needed. With a final snap of his hips Fenris cried out against her, shuddering in the intensity of his release, and Evelyn closed her eyes, her own climax overtaking her with a rush that had her fingers and toes tingling as all the blood rushed to her center.

They shifted slowly, cleaning themselves and straightening the covers before curling up together. After a few moments of silence, Fenris cleared his throat. "I was not aware it mattered so much to you." Evelyn pulled her head out of the crook of his shoulder to look at him inquiringly. "The formality of a ceremony."

"I hadn't really thought about it, but it does make a difference. The idea of making promises in front of those we care about ... I don't know. I never had much use for all the impersonal fluffiness of Chantry ceremonies, but this one ... Varric, you know."

"Yes," Fenris said in a tone of patient suffering, but Evelyn knew he and the dwarf held a deep mutual respect for one another, if not a genuine affection. He found her hand, lifting it to his lips and kissing her fingers. "It is customary to procure rings, I believe. Shall we do so?"

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