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For once, Evelyn was the first one to wake. She lay still to avoid disturbing Fenris, so that she could watch him sleep. He had one arm flung above his head and his white hair was over his eyes, ruffling slightly as he breathed. In the week since the scene in Mistress Blodgett's basement, he had been agitated and twitchy, taking offense at the lightest comments. He'd gotten in a shouting argument with Sebastian in the middle of the Chantry—Fenris had really had to work at that, too, since Sebastian rarely allowed himself to be goaded into anger.

Evelyn had tried to remain silent and supportive, but she couldn't restrain the uneasy feeling that maybe Fenris needed some kind of assurances that she simply couldn't provide.

"Have you seen enough?" His voice broke into her reverie. One green eye was peering at her out from under the tousled hair, and his mouth curled up at the corner in a half-smile.

"Not nearly." She burrowed her face into the junction of his neck and shoulder. Fenris's arm went around her, pulling her closer to him.

"How long have you been awake?" Fenris asked.

"A few minutes. Happy Satinalia."

"Hmm. How shall we celebrate?"

"Traditionally, there's a feast."

"Is there?" Fenris's hand found her breast, stroking it through her nightshirt. "There is something I am hungry for." Rolling over, he pushed up her nightshirt, putting his mouth where his hand had been.

Some time later they managed to get out of bed and eat breakfast. Hawke distributed Satinalia gifts to Bodahn, Sandal, and Orana. Fenris had purchased a few small trifles for them as well. Sandal was entranced by the blown glass globe he was given, turning it in the light and watching the colors play inside it. Orana carried her box of Antivan and Rivaini spices back to the kitchen to get started on some new recipes, and Bodahn tucked his box of nug jerky in a number of exciting flavors away where Sandal wouldn't be able to find it.

Evelyn started to get dressed to go out, but slowly and rather ostentatiously, hoping Fenris would ask her where she was going or would offer to come along, saving her from the discomfort of having to ask him herself. He seemed oblivious, however, standing with one arm braced on the mantelpiece, staring down into the flames.

"Um, Fenris?"


"Could you—I mean, would you ... That is to say, um ..."

Now he did turn, raising one black eyebrow.

"Will you come to the Gallows with me to see my sister?" The words came out in a rush, and she waited, holding her breath, for him to say no.

"I was not aware that you visited your sister on holidays."

"I don't, usually. But ... well, why shouldn't I? She's my sister! And I miss her. So will you come with me?"

"Why do you require my presence?"

"Not require, so much, but, well, I'd like her to, um, see you and I'd feel ... better if you were there."

"If it is important to you, of course I will go."

He said it so flatly that for a moment she wasn't sure she had heard him correctly. "Thank you." She moved closer, taking his hand and bringing it to her lips. "I'll be sure to thank you properly when we get home."

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