Disneyworld cosplayers AU - a Sterek story

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Working at Beacon Hills Memorial hospital wasn’t always pleasant, especially when it involved sick children. So needless to say, Melissa was really excited when the board of directors had announced a Disney themed party for all the children to attend, to cheer up the little ones that were going through a difficult time in their lives. 

She had asked Scott and his friends if they wanted to help out and they had all agreed. They had to dress up as a Disney character and after an hour long argument between Stiles and Scott about who could play Peter Pan, Stiles had been the lucky winner. 

He’d taken on his role very seriously, watching his old Peter Pan movies carefully so he could convince the kids to be the real deal. And that he did. 

"Peter, Peter!" one girl called out and ran towards him with open arms.

Stiles kneeled down and caught the little girl in his arms. "Hello pretty princess."

The girl beamed up at him. "Do you like my crown?" she asked.

"I sure do! Tell me, where did you get it? Did you have to fight pirates for it?" he said playfully with a wink.

She nodded eagerly, playing along with him.  

"Gee whiz, that must have been an awfully big adventure! Can I come with you next time?"

"Yes!" she replied, but got distracted by Lydia who was dressed up as Ariel.

Stiles smiled as he watched the little girl run off in Lydia's direction, but another voice grabbed his attention and so he turned around to face a boy who looked about 4 years old.

"I can't fly," the boy said, pouting his lips. 

"Of course you can!" Stiles replied. "But the moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it. So.." he smiled at the boy in front of him. "Don't doubt yourself and just believe."

The boy's lips curled up. "I believe."

"You do?" Stiles asked, his voice full of excitement. 

"I do! I do!"

He lifted the boy up above his head and ran around the room with him.

"I'm flying!"

"You are!" Stiles cheered.

He put the boy back down when he'd noticed Derek standing in a corner of the room.

"Thanks Peter Pan!" the boy said and gave Stiles a big hug before running towards his parents to tell them how much fun he was having.

Stiles waved at them before walking over to Derek, who looked as miserable as always. "Fancy meeting you here, Sourwolf."

Derek scowled at him in return.

"Who are you supposed to be, then? Grumpy?" Stiles joked. 

"That's funny," Derek huffed, sarcasm dripping from every word.

"Well you know me," he smirked. "Seriously though, we asked you to come and help out. We're having a lot of fun. Are you not in costume because I asked you to be Prince Charming?" 

Derek rolled his eyes at Stiles, but couldn't hide the blush spreading across his cheeks. "Why did you want me to be him, anyway?" he asked. He didn't want to admit it, but he was flattered and secretly kind of happy that Stiles wanted him as Prince Charming.

"I figured you'd look good in tights," Stiles said with a wink.

"You will never see me in those." 

"Never is an awfully long time."

"You do know you're not actually Peter Pan, right?" Derek asked as Stiles seemed to stay in character the entire time they were talking.

"Yeah I know, but I've always dreamed of being him. And you know what Peter Pan says; dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough."

"Of course," Derek said sarcastically, but he did have a dream of his own. A dream about him and Stiles together, so maybe he just had to do one thing.

Wish harder.

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