1 - In Your Shadow (I Can Shine)

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Tom was peacefully tidying his room in order to find something he had left in his drawer a few years ago. He, back then, thought he'd never need it again, so he put it away and tried hard to forget where he hid it.

It was before he admitted himself he was in love with his twin brother.

At the age of 14, he took a notebook and started writing down everything he had on his mind and in his heart. The notebook was almost full by the time he and Bill turned 15. Tom still didn't want to believe he had feelings for his own brother, so he thought that by writing things down, he could remove the feelings from his heart, and by hiding the notebook away, he could forget all he felt.

Of course that's not how it happened.

But now, 4 years later, at the age of 19, Tom and Bill are happily together. Well, almost happily - they couldn't let anybody know about their relationship. But that was exactly what made it so beautiful.

"Let's run away." Bill blasted into Tom's room, almost out of breath. Tom, with eyes wide open, stopped what he was doing and turned to the door. "I wanna get lost with you somewhere and forget about everything."

"Wow Bill, that was unexpected. Wouldn't you miss our family, our friends, our home?"

Bill let go of the door he was holding and went to sit down on Tom's bed, his older brother sitting closely next to him.

"Not at all. Tom, as long as you stand by my side, I won't need anything or anyone else. I can shine in your shadow, and nobody could give me the same feelings as you do."

Tom's heart almost melted while he was listening to the words of the one he ever truly loved.

"I'm with you, Bill. Let's leave now. Let's get lost without a sign, let's forget about it all. All that matters to me is you."

With that, Tom gave Bill a tight and warm hug, a hug that said it all. A hug that meant "I wasn't kidding. I'm willing to run away with you."

And that's exactly how it happened. The two boys spent the afternoon packing their bags (Tom eventually found his notebook, and took it with him), getting ready, and trying to hold back their tears. Not because they didn't want to leave. But because they'd been craving for leaving and spending the rest of their lives together for so long. They couldn't believe it was happening. They were more excited than ever before. But also, they were the happiest as well.

A few hours later, they were driving silently in the night, without a word, with the city lights playing graceful silhouettes on their faces. There was no need for words. Their hearts and souls were almost like one.

After all, this is how it goes between twins, right?

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