
" So what you think baybeh, does he fit the criteria?" I asked Keyah. We had just finished up with our fourth interview. He was an older white man from Italy, and he had a hell of a resume. He was a straight up guy, the best we've seen today in my opinion.

"Scott your resume is outstanding and you're definitely what we're looking for to oversee all four locations. We're gonna wait for your background check and if everything checks out we will give you a call to come in to complete the hiring process. You don't have a problem signing an ethics contract, right?" Keyah ran it all down to him.

"I have no problem with that at all, I'll will be looking forward to your call. It was nice meeting you and thanks for your time, Mr and Mrs Anthony.." Scott replied standing up shaking both our hands. We had one more person to interview before our day was done.

"This is tough Nova, like its scary trusting all this money and power to a total stranger." Keyah confessed after Scott left out of my office.

"Yeah I know, but my lawyer drew up air tight liability and ethics contracts, and I still have total control over the security cameras, only I can access them. Trust me baybeh I've taking every possibility of what could go wrong into consideration and I've taken all precautions.

I said that I wasn't gone be so hands on and I meant that,but I am gonna make sure that our business is protected ma." I finished up reassuring Keyah right as someone knocked on my office door.

"Well I guess the next person is here." Keyah said getting up from the edge of my desk to answer the door.

"Mr and Mrs Anthony, Bella Jennings is here for her interview." My Chef, Mrs. Briggs announced. I gave her a smile as she stepped to the side revealing a lady that definitely not getting the job.

She was dressed inappropriately first of all, she didn't have any papers in her hand when I specifically asked for a typed up resume and she had a mug on her face looking at my baybeh as if she had a issue in this bitch.

"Nice to meet y'all, I'm Bella." She said taking a seat in front of my desk when no one ever offered her a seat.

"Nice to meet you.. Umm Bella is it?" Keyah asked retaking her seat at the edge of my desk. "Yeah its Bella." The girl answered rudely. I leaned back in my chair and waited for the shit storm that was about to happen. It was clear she had rubbed my baby the wrong way.

"Okay well Bella, tell us something about yourself. What kind of general management experience do you have?" Keyah questioned as she looked down at the clipboard that was in her hand.

"Um honestly the only job I've had, was at Margaritas. I was a shift manager there for three years." The girl answered honestly. "That's why I didn't waste any paper typing that out. I didn't wanna lie." She continued.

"Well we appreciate your honesty. Can I ask you the reason you're no longer employed there?" Keyah questioned.

"Actually the Miami location went under and the owners relocated to California. They offered to relocate me out there to run the business, but I had to decline due to the fact that I have a 13 year old son that I share custody with my ex, a husband and my mother who I take care of as well." I was shocked at the answers she was giving her appearance gave off a total different impression, but she could actual be a contender for this position.

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