The Date

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Apple's POV ----------------------------------------------Morning of the date ---------------------------------------------- mmm. Darling where are you? I woke. Oh today was the day. I can't wait to see my beautiful knight! I'm so excited. * ring * A message? Text message: "Princess I'm on my way to see you.
I'll tell you about our date then. Can't wait to see you! Love you!" Text message reply: " Ok my beautiful knight I'll be waiting. I love you too!" Wow. I just love Darling. I love when she calls me her princess. Oh no I need to get Raven out of here! " Raven!" Apple shouted pushing Raven off the bed she was sleeping on. " What Apple!?" Raven exclaimed. " You need to get out of this room." Apple said. " What? Why?" Raven asked. " Darling is on her way. " Apple answered. " Mmm K. Gotcha. I'll leave." Raven said understandingly. " Ok thanks. Bye. I owe you one." Apple said shoving Raven out the door. Raven nodded goodbye. ----------------------------------------------Darling's POV  ----------------------------------------------I'm almost there. My princess you have a wonderful day ahead. * knocks* " Come in!" She hears from the other side. " Hey there princess." Darling said walking up towards Apple. I kissed her on the cheek watching happily as she blushed. " H..hi my beautiful knight." Apple said stuttering. " About our date I will pick you up an hour after classes. Is that okay princess?" Darling asked. " Yes my knight." Apple said. Apple got closer to me. She went for a kiss. We started passionately making out. I had a sensation that felt sooo right. She pulled me towards her bed. She pushed me down and continued kissing me. It hurt me to tell her, but I told her we had to wait.We hadn't even been on our first date! Though I was glad she couldn't wait. She agreed, but decided she would still make out with me. ( lol hope you didn't think a "scene" was next srry. ) The bell rang and we got to our classes. I kissed her goodbye and waited for the next time we may see each other.  ----------------------------------------------Apple's POV ----------------------------------------------Awww. I miss her. What should I wear? I threw on a red(duh) dress with golden fluffs that felt like cotton candy. Red boots with golden laces. Cherry red lipstick. I didn't apply blush because I did that all on my own. My dress had a beautiful Apple design. I wore a cute little white jacket on top. It reminded me of my knight's blue jacket. My mother got me this dress and said it was only for dates. I guess she assumed I would only ever date Daring. Sorry mother guess you were wrong. I curled my hair and carelessly did the rest. At least I knew I didn't have to put on a fake smile. I wonder what my knight is wearing? ----------------------------------------------Darling's POV ----------------------------------------------Oh godmother. It was almost time. I have to look absolutely my best! I tossed my hair down and curled it. Spelltacular. I don't know what to wear. Hmmm? * searches through closet* I guess that'll have to do. My dress is loose so I have space to move around. It also has some armor and small chain decals that I absolutely love. The dress has a small little sword design probably only I had ever noticed. I wore some leather fingerless gloves with a beautiful design that just said " Hey. I'm a Charming." ( not literally though) I even got Apple some of these gloves with an apple design. I also got her some lovely earrings made from diamonds. I looked in the mirror. I realized something about my dress. My father, King Charming said to wear this dress when I found the right suitor. Too bad King guess I'll be wearing this today. It was time. Text message: "You ready my princess?" Text message reply: " Ready my knight." I could tell we both texted it with a really great and overwhelming feeling. Text message: " I'm on my way beautiful." I grabbed some flowers and was off for my princess. ----------------------------------------------Apple's POV ---------------------------------------------- I blushed and was super hexcited! I waited in my dorm wondering, pondering about my destiny. Within moments I heard a knock on my door. I opened it only to be greeted with amazing flowers and beautiful blue sky eyes. Oh Darling, you've broken me. " Hey there princess." Darling said flirtatiously. Dang it! I blushed again. I couldn't help it. I grabbed the flowers set them in my dorm room and walked out towards Darling. She had something and handed them towards me. " Here I guess you may or may not need them, but I still want you to have them." Darling said shyly. " T...thanks Darling they're.. BEAUTIFUL!" I exclaimed. Gorgeous. They had an apple design to adore. They were red with touches of white and gold. They were leather. Damn. Darling honey, you need to stop wooing me." Thank godmother she loved them." Darling thought. I put my new gift on immediately. Darling held her arm out. I hesitantly latched on. It looked like nothing was going on with us. To my expense, nobody noticed us. We walked to our woods. It was the most comfortable and warm feeling. We didn't feel the need to talk at all, almost as if we knew everything there was to know about each other. We walked on. " Darling do you hear that?" Apple asked cautiously. " Get behind me princess." Darling answered pulling out her sword. A wild pack of buffalo.( how convenient 😏)  I was stunned and I was sure we wouldn't survive. Soon enough I saw something spelltacular. My knight flipped her hair. It was amazing. Beautiful! Time slowed it was a weird feeling, at first. Darling shoved me out of the way. Plants and such were trampled. I opened my eyes to see my knight on top. I stared into her eyes. I leaned in and closed the gap. She helped me up right after. " We're almost there." Darling said. Five minutes later. " We're here." Darling announced. Everything was up and running. My heart was beating faster than ever, I was on my first date with the woman I would live with forever after. There was a vase with flowers. A basket full of delicious food. Wow, she has outdone herself. " This is amazing Darling, I'm sorry you worked so hard you must be so tired love." Apple said apologizing. " For you princess, it was no trouble." Darling said. We sat down and talked for a while. Remembering old times and thinking about our future. After fully finishing eating..... " Hey Apple I got another surprise for you." Darling said with hexcitement. I was shocked once again. My knight sure was impressive. " What is it my knight?" Apple asked shocked. " Here. Open it." Darling said. She handed me a blue box.(small, it was small) I did as I was told and opened it. They were earrings.( you already knew that though) They simply dazzling, made out of diamonds I might add. They didn't have an " Apple" crest, thank godmother. They were only simply diamonds." Darling I don't know what to say. T..thank you so much, I love you." Apple declared. " I love you too. I thought that though diamonds can break they are also the strongest hardest substance on earth. I hope we can be like that without the breaking." Darling explained.( I would have put " hexplained" but it felt like it wouldn't seem serious.) We lied down. I was curled up in Darlings arms. I felt her purring which made me happy. We stayed there, together for the rest of the day. We knew we were a thing without actually saying it. We still have to come out to the school, our parents, and the kingdom. Well that's a problem for later I just wanna lay here with my knight peacefully. ---------------------------------------------- How will it go with their friends? Parents? Well guess you'll have to wait. If you're really reading this leave a comment. I want to give credit to any one reading. You may be one but you're a special one! P.S checkout that video. Mary lambert. It pretty good. \_(")_/Byeee!shoutout to my my besty paper jam215! Checkout her stories.

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