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It's really good to belong to someone who has been part of your life...

And I used to belong to someone who was there.., was with me

She gave me life, hope, and love. She was the light of my life, in short, she was my everything. We were so in love back then

I used to dream that someday, we're going to marry each other and build our new life and make our own family, a happy family that we both never had.

I grew up in a small town where, people used to keep their hope and faith that someday, they will rise up and have a better life. Because I love my family so much to the point that I will do everything they will say to me. They were expecting me and I never wanted them to have false hope. But I thought no matter how I try to be a good son to them.., they still didn't even gave me considerations. I was angry and sad but that changed when she came to me unexpectedly. I met her at the bar, she was a waitress and after that night when I asked her name, we started to know each other and eventually, we started dating

I was happy cause she came into my life and suddenly, made me so happy and made me believe that there is true Love. She made me feel loved, the love that I never had from my own family

When she came.., Jennifer came..into my life

We were so happy and in love even though we both live in the same very ordinary life.., I was sure back then that she's going to be my wife and we will build our new life

But that dream suddenly faded when my parents asked or should I say, insisted me to move to the city to continue my studies there. At first, Jennifer didn't want me to go, she did even pleaded me to stay but eventually, she agreed, I thought she was okay with that so when I got into the city, there was no night that we didn't even call each other through phone but I don't know.., while I'm starting to rise up and seemed to be like my life is getting better, she stopped on calling me..., we lost our communication..., I did even went back to our small town and looked for her cause I missed her so much but I didn't see even her shadow. And then I just heard from the people around that she left..., without saying anything or a place she will be...

And I couldn't stop myself from building tears by just remembering those times...

I got interrupted with my thought when my wife came over to me in our balcony and wrapped her arm around me, hugging me from the back. I turned to face her and tucked the strands of her hair behind her ear and I smiled.

"Why are you still awake?" I softly asked

Then she just embraced me more and buried her face into my chest

What she mumbled against my body made smiled

3 years ago (flashback)

I became a successful Engineer, I gave my family a good life. They were happy and I guess me.., not?

I'm still longing for her...

I never dated anyone cause she's still buried in my heart.

One day, I saw her..., for the first time after so many years.., finally I saw again her sweet and delicate smile that I would love to stare all day.., I did even try to talk to her, I wanted to ask her how is she... I wanted to know where she been.., I wanted to know what happened to us..?

Why, Jennifer..?

Then I just heard that she is the fiancé of the biggest contractor in the company where I am working now..,

The fiancé of my boss

And I will never forget that day..., the day when the truth and reality joined their forces to slap my face and hit my face and made me wake up that she will never be mine again.., we will never be with each other again...

Days have passed, I always think maybe she is happy now with her fiancé so I won't take her happiness away. I wanted her to be happy. Every time I'll see her at our office when she visits my boss, I'll just look away and ignore them..,

And I think, I was slowly becoming.., okay? She seemed so happy with him

Every time we talk, I always stop myself from giving in and pull her to me to embrace and say to her that until now, I still love her so very much

And the day came...,

The day came where she is going to marry her fiance, Alex Rodriguez.

No matter how I try to feel normal, I still couldn't breathe..feels like I'm going to die at any moment. I am feeling this now when we're waiting for her, the bride and what more when they're exchanging their vows? I don't think I can make this..,

I guess I had no choice but to go..? Cause man, the groom is my boss. He actually made me as his best man.

So.., I had no choice but to nod my head

I've been fighting myself.., and control myself to give in cause I thought maybe we were not really meant to be..maybe I'll just have to forget the past and face the present, the reality that we really don't have a second chance anymore to get back what we had, what we shared

And I did.., I tried to act normal like it doesn't bother me at all every time i see them together or when I see him kissing her..,

I tried and I guess.., I succeeded..? I thought I was okay.., that it was okay and I don't have to hide my tears and the heartbreaks that my heart has been feeling.

Almost all the time...

I really thought I'm over to her that it will just be okay that is why I said yes to Alex when he asked me to be his best man at his wedding...

But I guess, this day is worse than before.., now that I saw her came inside the church, wearing her beautiful wedding gown..with a beautiful smile on her face. I didn't even know she would be a better version of herself unlike before.., she really changed.

I did picture her back then wearing a beautiful wedding dress too.., walking towards me...

And she is now.., but towards the man, she's going to marry...

I want to turn my back and run away.., and just run and run away from them., I couldn't take it anymore but to feel waters in my eyes in every step she walk closer

But behind all those sweet smiles of her, I know that there is still bothering her..., I still can see the sadness through her eyes

When she looked at our direction, I couldn't help it anymore but release a tear that I've been trying to hide

She's getting married now.., Harry...

No, I can't break down in here. Not now. Not ever.,

I have to let go of her now, I have to let go the only girl I really loved..,

Now I'm regretting why I left everything, including her back then.

I have to let go of Jennifer.

Alex is smiling so wide as he waits for his bride to come over to the altar. Then the moment she reached us, a tear just automatically build in my eyes when I saw her eyes., teary...

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