Once there was Demonistic Doll...

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           But suddenly, we were all summoned.

"W-what's going on in my h-head?!" Thomas was yelling at the top of his lungs. His eyes were red and puffy and his face was burning.

"Thomas, please d-don't yell." Thomas calmed down slightly, but tears were still streaming down his face.

"Wait. Where's Roman? Roman?" I could tell Logan and Virgil were about to start crying again, and I admit I was about to.

"Roman is uhmm.....he's....he's dead, Thomas. He was murdered. You can go see for yourself...." He started wide-eyed, but we all went to Roman's room. Thomas just screamed at the sight.

"Wait. I found something." Logan held another folded paper.

"Thomas, I'm going to read this. Before Roman was killed, we read another one that was saying that a man was going to have no head and get shot."

"Okay. Go ahead."

A man of reality and facts
Will soon be stopped in his tracks....

"Oh no...." Logan looked up in fear.

"Is that it?" We all asked.

"Uh-no. Um...I'll keep reading"

By a man who is kind
And seemingly blind...

"Patton...you... you're going to kill me?!" I shook my head vigorously. I know I'd never do that.

And suspicious by the way the acts

Beware of the man in blue
Disregard his kindness too
He is made of death
And has no breath
For the is dead and listens to few

"I...I uh... uhmm... I.. didn't.... know...." Logan just glared. Thomas was wide-eyed. Virgil was wide-eyed as well.

"We'll lock him up. That way the cant do anything." Logan said. I stared down at the floor and hugged myself tight. A couple tears fell down my face, but I knew that if it meant I couldn't hurt anyone, I will do it.


           Soon enough, we were teleported to the solitary confinement area of Thomas's mind. I walked in a cell and the last thing I saw was the closing metal door before being completely locked in a white room.

PoV Switch~Logan

           I couldn't believe that. I know Patton would never hurt me. Still, I was skeptical. I wasn't going to risk anything.

           Sadly, we got notified that Patton had seen the "Doll" figure, but we didn't know if he was dead at all so we ran to the cells to see that Patton's was open and the was in the corner shaking with fear.

            I also, noticed that Virgil had not followed Thomas and I.

           I ran over to Patton and I saw he was clutching another what I thought was a limerick.

"Patton, can you read that please or do you want me to?" He quickly gave the paper to me.

"Okay. Lets see what it says now..." I took a deep breath and started.

The man you locked up is good
He is innocent and never understood
But the man in black will lead you on the right track
But beware the man in the hood

"Is it talking about Virgil?" I looked at Patton.

"K-keep reading and look what's going to happen..."

Anxiety holds the key to it all
If you wish for the hooded man to fall
The silver pen
And the writing of men....

"Will make the man turn back into a doll" Patton finished my reading.

          Suddenly we heard screaming from the commons. We ran in to see Virgil pinned down by a hooded person who looked like a clone of Patton.

          On the floor next to him was a silver pen with a paper attached to it

           I suddenly realized what the limerick meant. I picked up the pen and paper quickly.

(I made my own little part because I can💕💕I know it most likely not a limerick bc I have no clue what those are but this is just my own little thing to add)

Now is the time
You have to chose
To make me a doll
Or for you to lose

I can give you anything
Anything your hearts desire
Or you can return me
And let your lives crumble to fire

If so...

Take the pen
Write on my cloak
Say inanimate
Then you will be released and never provoked

Choose wisely....

"I will never choose you!!" They can give me anything, but I'd never give up my own host.

"Virgil! Catch! You can only do this!" I threw the pen to Virgil and he caught it.

          I looked closely and I saw that he was writing the word "Inanimate" on the cloak.

         The Patton clone shrieked and fell to the ground screaming. In seconds, what was only left was a plush version of Patton.

"I guess....its....its over" I muttered. Patton and Virgil still looked terrified, but all was done.


"Hey what's this piece of paper?"


Amazing right? I added little Immy, because he is cute and its way more sad that way. Yep, I'm just a little ray of sunshine. To be honest it on of the most common ways I like to write.

Also, guess who is making illustrations of the "Evil" YouTubers from Markiplier's video recently. Also because I said I'd draw the evil DanTDM (I didn't hear his name) for my kittle brother because his birthday is coming up and the absolutely loves DanTDM.

Prinxiety/Logicality One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن