"Don't you dare play the innocent card you rotten little bitc-" "Gayoon ah look at me, leave her alone, Gayoon ah." Jimin interrupted as he called her attention. I looked over at him, lips quivering as he had his puppy eyes locked on her. I watched as Gayoon looked over at Jimin, slowly placing the gun by her side as she spat at him.

"Gayoon ah I'll do anything for you, please just don't touch or hurt Jiyeon ah. I'll do anything!" Jimin pleaded as he nodded his head while Gayoon only scoffed. I gulped as she whipped her gun at me once again, a more darker tone as her eyes were full of hatred. "This, this is exactly why I'm going to shoot you." Gayoon scoffed.

"What..what are you-" She cut me off, pulling the trigger. "Since the start of middle school it was always you, EVERYTHING WAS ABOUT YOU!" "You came to my school, ruining my life! You took my friends, my popularity, for gods sake you even took the love of my life!" Gayoon bellowed as she took steps closer towards me, gripping onto the gun.

Tears fell uncontrollably as I bit down on my lip, my arm blood still oozing. "Gayoon ah please, I never meant to-"
"You, it's always been you! I LOVED TAEHYUNG, TAEHYUNG WAS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND YOU STOLE HIM FROM ME. YOU CAME INTO MY LIFE TAKING EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED OR LOVED." Gayoon broke down. I watched as her eyes beamed with danger as her tears streamed down her face.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, please don't kill me." I apologized, voice shaken up a bit as I closed my eyes. "LOOK AT ME!" She yelled, snatching my hair tightly as I looked up at her. "You had it all. Everything I once had became all of yours. That's what started it all, you ruined yourself." Gayoon had her gun locked on my forehead as I felt my whole body go numb.

I closed my eyes tightly, I'm going to die. This is the end for me.


Opening my eyes at once I watched as Gayoon had shot at the ceiling. "I thought I could get everything I wanted back, I thought I could make you feel how I did when people you love and wanted get taken away from you." Gayoon voiced.

"You're insane." I muttered. I looked over at Jimin who was praying silently, I felt like my whole world broke down. I'm so sorry Jimin that you're tangled in this mess. I just wanted to be happy and spend prom with you, I'm sorry.

I looked back up at Gayoon who was snatching a set of keys from her pocket as she shuffled through them. Finding the right one, she stood in front a mysterious door that was stationed in the center of the room. I watched as she jiggled the key into the porthole as the door made a click sound. She turned facing the two of us with a fake smile still planted on her face.

"I wanted you to know how it feels to have a loved one taken out of your life, and that's what I started with. One that I've always had my eye on." Gayoon shifted. Her one sentence made me only think of one thing, which no way in hell is she serious. She can't be serious, she can't be, it's impossible.

She pulled on the door handle, opening it roughly as it slammed against the wall. "Jiyeon ah." Jimin whispered. I glanced over at him, his eyes red and tired with a gloomy aura, I hated seeing him like this. I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he titled his head towards Gayoon. What is he talking about? I turned my attention back at him as he mouthed only two words, "the keys." I looked back at Gayoon who had entered the cramped room behind the door as the keys remained in the porthole.

How in the world am I going to get tha-

Interrupting my thoughts I gazed back at the room as Gayoon groaned. "And this Jiyeon ah, was my first target." Gayoon emitted. "Oh my god..." I managed to speak as Gayoon thrown the body onto the floor, lying in front of Jimin and I.

He's Different | p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now