The Story of Why Eight Gays are Climbing Through the Window (Ayano x Info-Chan)

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Info-Chan's POV

I was sitting on the couch, watching a some children's TV show, when someone knocks on the door. "I got it!" I hear my roommate and sister, Yui, yell. I pause the show as she walks to the front door and opens it, revealing our significant others. "Greetings, Haruto. Greetings, Ayano. How you two doing?" I ask from my spot on the couch as Yui steps aside to let them in. "I'm doing good." Haruto says. Ayano plops down on the couch next to me. "I'm even better now that I'm here." She says. I let out a small chuckle as I wrap my arm around her and give her a peck on the forehead. I turn the TV back on and change the channel. For the next couple of hours, we have a Mirai Nikki marathon.

-A few days later-

Ayano and Haruto were visiting again. Me and Ayano were in the kitchen, making some food, when I hear Haruto talking. "Yui, I don't think we should be here. You should move out. It's unnatural for two girls to be together." He says. Well, now I'm pissed. "But you don't live here. It shouldn't be a problem. If you feel uncomfortable, just stop coming over." Yui says, always a voice of reason. Things escalated pretty quickly. Yui is now trying to break up with Haruto, but he's locked himself in her room. About an hour or so later, Yui barges into my room wearing nothing but a tank top, short shorts, and a bathrobe. "Get the info on every non-heterosexual you can. We're smoking him out!" She says then leaves, his robe whipping behind her like a cape. That's the story of why myself, Ayano, Budo, Shin, Taro, Saki, Kokona, and Musume ended up climbing through the window of Yui's bedroom.

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