Jealousy (Hanako x Osana)

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Osana looked over at Taro, chewing on her bottom lip as she thought about what he had said. He was trying to set her up with a girl from school, something Osana wasn't so sure of. Osana kinda wanted to say yes, but there was something holding her back, or should I say someone. There was a huge part of her that was hoping someone else would ask her out, but that wasn’t happening anytime soon. You see, Osana had this massive crush on Taro's sister, which he doesn’t know about. And something that’d she'd never tell him about because one, it was his sister and two, well, there really wasn’t a two. Still though, she was his sister and he’d probably freak out if he knew his best friend was crushing on his little sister. 

Osana took a deep breath before giving Taro an answer. “I don’t know, Taro. This doesn’t seem like a good idea." 

"It’s a great idea, Osana. She really likes you. I can tell,” He told her, trying to convince her to agree. 

“She’s nice, but she’s not my type,” Osana lied. She didn’t really have a type but like I said, she was still holding onto hope of her and Hanako.

“Oh my god, you like someone!” Taro fangirled. 

Osana felt the color drain from her face. Think a little more and he was sure to find out who she liked. “What? No, I don’t like anyone, I just want to focus more on my schoolwork and dating is a distraction." 

"That is such a lie. C'mon, what’s her name?” He asked, grinning widely. 

“How are you sure it’s a she?” Osana retorted only for him to give her one of his looks. “Okay it’s a she." 

"Yeah, so what’s her name?” He asked. 

Osana came up with a totally random name. If she gave him one, it’d settle his curiosity for awhile. Until he started asking a thousand questions, so he could figure out a way to get the two together. But before she could speak another voice was heard. “What’s whose name?” They asked, making the two friends turn to look at her as she passed by. 

“None of your business, Hanako.” Taro said, rolling his eyes at his sister’s presence. 

“I wasn’t asking you. I was asking Osana.” She replied. “So what’s her name?" 

Osana swallowed thickly, trying to find a way out of this situation, but thankfully Taro came to her aid. "You don’t have to answer that, Osana. Hanako is just being nosey. Now go away, Hanako." 

The twin-tailed girl rolled her eyes at her bossy brother before going into the kitchen, keeping a close ear on the conversation. Taro waited until she was a good distance away before turning back to Osana. He was determined to get a name out of her and then he’d get the two together and be the best matchmaker there is. Osana, on the other hand, was trying to find some way to get out of this situation. Her only ideas were, tell him she liked his sister or go out with the girl he was trying to set her up with. Yeah, she liked option two better. 

"You know what? You’re right. A date wouldn’t be so bad,” Osana told him, hoping to direct his attention to planning this date. 

Hanako perked up at the word date, giving her full attention to Osana's conversation with her brother. Who the hell was Osana going on a date with? She didn’t like it, nope, not one bit. She saw her brother start squealing before running off to plan everything and tell the date Osana had agreed. When she saw that her brother was out of the room, she replaced his spot on the couch. Osana sighed and turned back around, giving a quiet yelp when she saw Hanako in front of her. 

“Sorry, you startled me." Osana said. 

“No worries. So, you’re going on a date, huh?” Hanako asked. 

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