Harry bonds with Cameron and seeing about Jordan

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In light of what has happened I am going to have Harry bond with Cameron and watch to see what i put in the story for Cameron's middle name i hope you like it 

Cameron was out like a light sleeping on daddy since he was all bandaged up so his body could heal from the burns

"I guess we will be going up to our room buddy" Harry says as another nurse came to get Cameron and Harry and take them to a room as well so he could get better

Harry carried Cameron the whole way up to the burn unit of the hospital where Cameron was going to be until he was better

"Well i guess it is bedtime for you  buddy" Harry says as he laid Cameron in the crib for the time being so he could sleep better then on daddy

Harry called Niall and Louis to see if the girls wanted to say good night to Cameron and the girls were sound asleep with their daddies close by and the girls were on different floors by the look of things that Harry saw when he had called them

"Your sisters are asleep like you are bud" Harry says to Cameron who was snoozing softly in his crib

Harry decided to get some sleep as well since it was going to be a long night for the both of them since Cameron was in a new place once again and the nurses will poke him through the night to check on him


"Cameron buddy it's okay daddy is here" Harry says as he picks Cameron up fro the crib and hold him in his arms since Cameron was really upset for some reason 

Harry was looking at Cameron as he was holding him in his arms like baby since Cameron was a baby  

"Cameron i think i have come up with a middle name for you buddy" Harry says as he was sitting in the rocking chair now rocking sweet little Cameron Styles back to sleep for the night 

Cameron looks up at Harry with his pretty eyes as they were glossed over from him crying so much 

"You're middle name is going to be Robin after my step-dad who raised me" Harry says as he was rocking Cameron back to sleep as the nurse came into the room to tend to Cameron 

Cameron coos in response as daddy was talking to him 

"Cameron Robin Styles is your name buddy" Harry says as the nurse starts to look at Cameron and give him a look over as well and change his dressing as well 

Harry loved Cameron with all his heart and would move moutains for that little boy 

(Emergency room)

"Jordan hopefully we are out of here and you don't have to be admited like the others have due to complications" Liam says as he was holding Jordan Payne in his arms since he saw Cameron go up to his room as well to get better ssince he was burned on his body  

Liam was hoping the others were okay too as he was with Jordan 

"You getting sleepy buddy huh?" Liam asks as he looks at his son as he was rocking him and walking with him to keep him calm as he was fighting sleep as usual  

Liam was going to lay with Jordan since he was going to go to sleep for a little bit and he was a happy camper as long as he was with daddy. while he was asleep the doctor came in and woke Liam up to check Jordan out and see what was going on with him 

"I am going to have some blood work to see what is going on with his heart right now i am not happy and as of right now he is going to be admitted cause in the morning he is going to have an ultrasound down to see what is really going on with it and then go from there" the doctor says as he was talking to Liam about what he heard with Jordan's heart  

Liam was okay with it cause he was going to be with his little boy and be with the guys as well and see what is going on with the others as well, and then they will go home in the morning to change and freshen up as well plus go shopping for the kids before coming back to be with them once again for another night and then do it all over again in the morning with the babies since they were all they had left since their mother's didn't want them either 

"When will the ultrasound be done?" Liam asks the doctor as he was  getting rady to leave the room since Jordan was going to have some bloodwork done by the lab and the news was going to be delivered in the morning 

"In the afternoon sometime until then hang tight we will get this taken care of and he will be back to normal in no time" the doctor says as he was talking to Liam still

Liam was going to see where the others were at just in case Jordan was close to them 

"Cameron is in the burn unit the poor little guy" LIam says as he was looking at the text Harry had sent back since Harry was still up with Cameron since Cameron was having troubles going back to sleep for daddyfor some reason or another  

Louis and Niall were up with the girls in the regular part of the hospital, so that was assuring to Liam so he might be with the girls 

"Jordan you will get to be with the girls since they might be close to you or will be your room mate for the time being buddy" Liam says as he was looking at the texts from the other boys since they were up since they could not sleep Either With the girls  

Liam was going to put Jordan in a cut hospital gown and he was going to be on an I.V and he will be on a heart monitor when he gets up to his room too to monitor his heart rate and see if it changes any at all

"Well buddy i guess we are going up to your room" Liam says as a nirse comes to take Jordan u to his room 

Liam was going to carry Jordan like the others carried their kids up to their rooms as well for the night  

V & C

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