The babies get checked out: Lacey preview

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A preview before the actual chapter goes up sometime in the near future i hope if i am not doing a bunch of closings or something along those lines

"Me too" Niall says as he was rubbing Lacey's back as she snoozed softly on Niall's shoulder

Louis got Annabel out and held her since the hospital was busy right now at the moment so the kid's could get some sleep before they were going to be poked to see if they were healthy or not

"You sleepy huh Annabel?" Louis asks as he looked down at her as he was holding both Freddie and her on his lap since Freddie wanted out of the stroller and to be held by daddy as well 

Annabel rubbed her eyes as she looked at him with her pretty eyes 

"I thought so get some sleep Louis will wake you when you are going to get checked out baby doll to see if you are healthy or not and don't worry I will not let those monsters get to you as you sleep" he says as he started to rock Freddie and her side to side to see if they will go to sleep a little bit on their own without their pacifier's in their mouth. Louis did not believe in the pacifier method to keep the babies quiet he wanted things to work out on their own the natural way first before he gives them their pacifier to comfort them   

Niall loved holding little Lacey as they waited to be called back with each of the babies 

"Lacey it's okay Niall is here to protect you sweetie, and he will always will be here for you no matter what happens love you are my little girl" he says as he was talking to her as she was sleeping softly on his shoulder right now 

Niall loved hearing her cute little snores as she was sleeping peacefully as he was rubbing her back to keep her calm and everything  

"Lacey Horan" the nurse says from the doorway 

"Good luck buddy" Harry says as Niall got up with Lacey and she moved when she felt Niall get up with her 

"Lacey sleep sweetie it's okay we are going to see about you right now" Niall says as he was holding her as they went through the door to the triage room where they were going to see if she was a healthy baby so far or if she was going to be admitted to the hospital cause she was one sick baby 

Lacey ended up waking up after a while and she looked at where she was at

"Lacey we are going to get checked out is all sweetie and then we can go home and cuddle all you want" Niall says as he was holding her close 

Lacey did not like that at all she wanted to go home and cuddle with Niall or daddy in her book 

"Lacey we will go home soon okay baby girl I promise you" he says as he was holding her as they went to get her height and weight checked to see if she was on track or if she was not on track and see how old she was cause Niall wanted to see what age he had to buy for little Lacey 

Lacey was under weight for her age and she did not like having her height taken as they were measuring her head and how long she was too she wanted to be held and rocked in Niall's arms cause she felt safe there instead of on the table

"Okay baby girl now we see if you are a healthy little girl" he says as they walked to a different room to wait on the doctor to come in and Niall saw that Louis was going to be coming in soon with Anna or Belle cause he was debating on what to call her as a nickname right now cause he wanted a good nickname for his little girl like Niall was thinking of one for Lacey as they were waiting 

Niall couldn't believe how cute she was and how well behaved she was 

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