Chapter 13

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Upon arrival to school, a crowd forms around a pair of freshmen in some petty fight which results in one of the Deans getting hit square in the face. Swarms of students follow the drama as if flows from the hall to the courtyard, and eventually the front office. The hustle and bustle helps my brain sink into normality.

I shake off any question of his character as Carter squeezes my hand when we walk across the courtyard. I feel myself grow solider in him the more I think about it. I'm 90% sure Carter isn't a murder. And even if he had his secrets that can't be big enough to make me want to break it off with him. I trust him. Like he said, if i wanted to know anything all I had to do was ask.

It was 10 mins till the first bell and I wasn't particularly eager to get to American Literature. My eyes scan the lawn for Jackson, and I am both relieved and worried when I don't see him. As much as his episode pissed me off and unnerved me, I can't wash away a lifetime of caring for him. I need to speak to him. If not to settle this nonsense about Carter's past, then to gauge Jackson's own mental health. I'd learn a thing or two while staying at Bright Side, and one of those things being symptoms of declining mental stability.

Though I don't find the boy I'm looking for, I do get the next best thing. I spot Jade in her usual corner, a little sulkier than usual with her head phones plugged in and scribbling in a worn spiral notebook. Her back is pressed against a cafeteria wall and her knees are drawn up, making a perfect resting place for her notebook. The planter ledge she sits on keeping her away from most of the other students. Concern pricks at me when she doesn't respond to any of the baiting that the other guys give her. I guess I'll have to speak to her.

I look at Carter and I's intertwined hands. He was busy messing with his phone, a frown decorating his face. But I have other things to worry about right now.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I need to talk to someone real quick." I say, clutching the strap of my backpack.

"Hm. Someone like who?" He asks, tugging me close enough for my hip to hit his. I make up my face, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Someone like nunya. Now, let me go." I pull on our hands and his grip tightens once before consenting. I try to hide my small smile, I'm not used to someone fighting to keep me to stay.

When I walk up to Jade , she barely acknowledges me, only looking up when I get in her direct line of vision. She pops out a earbud and braces her chin on her palm. Despite her closed off posture, the floating number 3 above her head is inviting.

"Now, what is it that you want?" She seems nonchalant, but the way she slams her notebook closed peaks my interest. I lean over the slightest bit and her eyes narrow.

"Where is Jackson? I need to speak to him."

"How the hell should I know?" She snaps. Defensive much?

"Hm, well, last time I checked you guys were on again." She lets out a frustrated breath, reminding me of a dragon, her long lashes, red head, and silver dusted eyelids adding to the image.

"Hm, well, I guess you need to check again. Now leave me alone. I'm busy."

Before I do something I'll regret, I pivot on my heel and begin to walk back to Carter, groaning internally. I guess they weren't together anymore. After a few days? I'd expected for them to last at least 2 weeks. Jade may get around but she does spend lengths of time with her select few. Jackson being one of them.

Something about this whole thing isn't sitting right. She is acting strange. I'm surprised to say she looked upset about this breakup. Her bitterness on this subject was unusual....unless he broke it off with her. Hope ignites in me, but I doubt it. That boy is like goo in her hand; spineless. But if she has no idea where he is than who does. I don't think he would straight up ghost her. Would he?

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