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Sugawara, Daichi were walking through the corridors.

"Look there's a door!" Daichi exclaimed. The two ran over to it and tried to open it but it was tightly locked. They looked over at the windows which were covered with planks of wood.

Bokuto, Kuroo and Akaashi were in the cellar. Suddenly, they heard banging in the cupboard. The three looked at each other. Kuroo picked up a pole and held it up high. He prepared to swing it when suddenly the cupboard burst open. The three fled.

Komi confusedly watched the three run away. Then he looked at himself and realised he was still covered in blood. He got up to leave.

Kageyama and Hinata were waiting for Lev to wipe the blood of his fingers. Suddenly, something covered in blood began to run in front of them. Kageyama quickly grabbed the umbrella and swung it at the running figure. The two looked down. It was Komi.

"Not again!" Hinata exclaimed. The two picked up Komi and hid It in a cupboard. As Lev and Inuoka came out, they continued to walk through the corridor.

Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi, Sugawara, Daichi and Terushima were n the room.

"It was in there," Bokuto whispered pointing at the cupboard. Everybody grabbed a pole and crept close to the wardrobe. Daichi signalled and they all flung the door open. There was nobody, just puddles of blood.

"Oh no," Sugawara said.

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