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I was sitting or lying in the back of the Mystery Machine as we were making our way to KISS World. I was nearly asleep when Fred ran over a pot hole.

"Holy!" My head hit against the floor lightly.

"Sorry everyone!"

"You did that on purpose." I sat up as Daph said that.

"Yeah. Seriously Fred. I thought you could drive." I heard him grumble and Shag laugh.

"Good one." I leant against the back of the seat as Shag and Scoob joked. Fred then put in his Ascot Five CD. We all groaned as it played. I rolled my eyes and said.

"Oh my gosh. Turn it off."

"Fred please."

"I think they're twice the band KISS is." I snorted.

"Yeah maybe. In the parallel world of Ascotmania." Shaggy was trying not to laugh. I looked up to see Fred glaring at me through the rear view mirror. I just shrugged. I relaxed until we got to the park. I wasn't all dressed up like the others but I was wearing high heel combat boots, blacked ripped skinny jeans, and a red long sleeve crop top. My scarlet and brown hair was half up and my nails were black. My normal.

"I think I'm gonna freak out!" We heard screams come our way.

"Seems like you're not the only one." I said. These two guys were screaming about a witch. Shaggy was pleading for it to be a new member. I shook my head as Velma answered. We walked over to the gates where this grumpy looking security lady.

"Sorry parks closed." I tuned out a bit until Daph confessed.

"The thing is, no one actually called for our help." My eyes widened. I laughed and shook my head. "I mean we're the Scooby Gang, and it's an amusement park right?"

"Wrong! It's a closed amusement park." She went on until she basically yelled. "So go home." We walked away and back to the van.

"She woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Shag and Fred nodded in agreement. As they took off the makeup, I was leaning against the van.

"Well it looks like we'll have to sneak in."

"You're okay with this?"

"Of course I am. It's a mystery right? And mysteries are what we do." I pumped my fist.

"That's more like it Fred. Let's go!" We went back to the gates and saw the lady was gone but the two guys were still there.

"How do we get in? Any ideas Flare?" I looked around to see if there was anything useful to distract them. I saw a stand up sign across the way.

"Hey Scoob can you use your tail to throw a rock?" He came up to me and nodded. "Throw it at that sign over there." I pointed in the direction. He picked it up, wound up his tail, and let it fly. It hit the straight on and fell over. The two men ran over and investigated.

"Go!" Fred whispered. We rushed through the gate and quickly tried to find where the security lady went. We snuck around for a bit until we heard her voice. She was talking to a man,

"I called for some back up."

"Back up? You must be kidding!" I cringed at her shrill tone. "I think I can handle this unusual situation." I softly chuckled.

"Obviously not if he called for backup." Velma gave me a look. "What?" We listened until they split up. I followed Shag and Scoob over to the water game as the rest went to the window of the office. I laughed at their competiveness. I noticed someone walk up. It was the Demon. Scooby noticed too and decided to spray him. Demon freak out and Shag and Scoob bolted. I followed them with my eyes. I looked back to see Demon was gone.

Scooby-Doo meets KISSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora