"Seth, let's go talk in my room..." Said Joseph, Seth nodded and both of them went up to Joseph's room.

"What is up with you man?" Questioned Joseph, closing the door and standing in front of Seth who was sitting on the bed, trying to take all of this in.

"I don't know... Everything... is a blur... I... can't seem to understand anything that's happening to me."

"What were you talking about someone named... Amelia? Who is she?"

"She Is..." Seth sighed, "was my sister... We went into that house and... I don't know what happened... It..."

"It just wiped her off the face of existence?"

"Yeah... Something like that..." Seth said with his eyes getting teary again.

"So... uh... I used to know her?" Asked Joseph.

"Yeah, both of you knew each other very well."

"But how could it be that I don't seem to remember her like she never existed?"

"I don't have any idea..."

"Look, Seth, I know about your parents and I'm really sorry for it but I think you should calm yourself down."

"Are you saying that you don't believe me?"

"I am saying it's hard to believe you..."

"Why don't you believe me? I am telling the truth for hell's sake!" Seth shouted out loud.

"Hey, calm down..."

"Amelia... was my sister and now... She doesn't exist in this world..." said Seth letting out a sad sigh.

"I... believe you, man..."

Seth kept looking at the floor for a few minutes and then looked out of the window, seeing the sun set as silence took away their conversation. A few minutes later Joseph broke the silence between them.

"Well, uh... It's late... You can stay here tonight if you want..."

"Sounds good..." Seth replied, nodding slowly.

"I'm gonna go tell my mom... Okay?"


Joseph left the room and Seth was still sitting on the bed, indulged in his thoughts. Some sad thoughts, some dark thoughts, some nostalgic thoughts filled his mind and reality seemed to be a blur for him. If Amelia didn't exist then who informed him of his parents' death? If Amelia didn't exist then who saved him when he couldn't breathe in a dream? If Amelia didn't exist, then how is he supposed to live now, without any relatives? Seth sighed and looked around. He felt a cold breeze which sent shivers down his spine, gradually everything became more greyish and gloomy as he kept watching without a moving a limb.

He heard police sirens outside of the house, he got up and looked out of the window. He saw two policemen standing in front of the house, talking to Joseph's mother and father.

"I'm sorry to say sir, but your son... Joseph... is dead." He heard one policeman say.

His heart immediately stopped. He saw Joseph's mother falling down on her knees and crying. Almost suddenly, the door opened behind him.

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