Chapter 36

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Chapter 36-

Makinseys Pov-


I got home, and started my way to the door, and I seen Justin get out except this time, he walked the other way. He began walking down the road, and after a while I couldn't see him. I opened the door, and it was silent. Chaz, and Ryan must have gone out. I'm not sure where Caitlin is. I scanned the room looking for only one thing in-particular. I heard someone behind me, and I turned around to see Caitlin holding my results.

"Looking for this?" She says crossing her arms. By the looks of her face.......I already knew who the father was.

Replay Over:

"Ummmm." I was shaking like a prey about to get eaten by its predator.

I sat in silence hoping she would say something, but she never did. She looked at me for what seemed like hours. She still had that evil glare on her face, but it suddenly fell into a huge smile.

"Darlin! Why would I be mad at you!" She ran over to me, and wrapped her skinny arms around me. I was so confused, but I couldn't say anything because either way she could figure out about my past.

"Ummm. I-I was just worried." She handed me the papers, and I knew who the father was. I was only looking for the name, so when I seen 'CHAZ SOMERS', I didn't need to search anymore. I made a small frown, but covered it with a fake smile, so that Caitlin wouldn't have any suspicions. She hugged me again, and did a little happy dance.

"I can't believe this! You, Chaz, me, and Justin! We are all going to love this baby, but you better make me the god-mother!" She said with a big smile.

This is getting to hard to face. She doesn't even know the truth, behind this lie. Its gotten a bit far too. I think me, and Justin need to start explaining. I faked a smile, but sighed after she ran out of the room. I think she said she was going to go order baby clothes. I don't know why though, since we don't even know what gender it is. I sat down holding my knees to my chest, and stared out the window. It was raining pretty hard, and I was getting kinda worried about Justin. I wonder what ran through his mind when he found out that he wasn't the father. Probally relief, but why would he storm off angry?!? It doesn't make since. I wish I could read his freaken mind.

I wasn't in the mood to put up with his sh*t, so I went to my room, and layed down. Questions hit me all the time, but there's one that always comes to my mind. It never leaves. If I try to remove it, it comes back.

'Why does the world have so many problems?'

That's my question, and I'm sure many people could answer it in their opinion, but the thing they don't know is.........that their all wrong. There is no answer to that question. There never will be. Life is so complicated, and has gotten so crazy that life itself couldn't even answer the question. It makes me wonder what the world would have been like if all this crap hadn't entered the world. If our children could just run outside without worrying that a killer was gonna murder them. But that's the thing. You can't. It will never change, and one day it will get so bad, that you won't even be able to leave the house without getting hurt. It's hard to believe, but it's true. And it hurts to know that......


I opened my eyes slightly, and checked the time on my phone.


Shoot! I slept through the afternoon, and night. Chaz probably thinks I take sleeping pills! Nah just kidding.

I get up, brush my hair, brush my teeth, apply makeup, and get dressed, spraying some 'BOYFRIEND' perfume on. I giggled at the thought. I mean for real.....I'm using my ex's perfume that he made. That's a little wierd.

I heard a soft chuckle, and looked beside me.

Justin. I am so not in the mood to talk to him, but I guess I'll forget what happened yesterday.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"You don't think it's slightly wierd that your using the perfume I made?" He asked with a smirk.

"I was just thinking the same, but I can't just quit putting it on." I pout.

"Why not?" This time he furrows his eyebrows.

"Because it smells to gooood!" I sang, and walked out of the room toward a delicious smell. I entered the kitchen, and saw my lovely boyfriend cooking.

"Whooooo!" I whistled. "Baby don't you look fine a'cooking!" I run over to him, and pull him into a embrace.

"Well thank you." He winked.

"No problem." I tried winking both eyes, but failed which made Chaz laugh.

"It's not funny!" I crossed my arms.

"Even Justin thinks it was!" He says bending over in laughter while pointing behind me. I turn around, and see Justin covering his mouth trying to make it look like he wasn't laughing. TERRIBLE ACTOR!

"Yall are mean!" I pouted, and sat down on a seat. "The babies not going to like you two!" I giggle, but realize that this was a hard topic for Justin, yet I don't know why. He was so mad yesterday when he should be happy. He's not the father. Shouldn't that be a blessing to him?

Chaz glared at me, and I shrugged. After I said that Justin just stood there like a statue. Chaz didn't recognize, but I did. Chaz walked over to me, and looked down at my stomach, then put his hand on it.

"I love you, minny me. I bet your wondering who this is. Arn't you?" Chaz said to my stomach, but really to the baby. I felt it kick, and I groaned.

"Gracious that baby can kick!"

"He answered me though!" Chaz exclaimed.

I nodded, and Chaz started talking again.

"Well I'm your daddy. And a proud one also." He added rubbing my stomach. I smiled, and shuffled a hand through his hair. He got up, and put his hands around my waist. Justin wasn't standing still anymore. He was looking out the kitchen window like he was avoiding us. He can avoid me, but he isn't going to avoid Chaz.

"Ey. Justin! You, Chaz, and Ryan need to go have a boy day. Hang out. Ya know?" I looked over at him, and then looked at Chaz.

"Chaz looks a little busy with HIS baby, wouldn't wanna ruin the moment would I? Yea...I'll just go with Ryan." Justin said with a fake smile, and walked out.

"Does he seem grumpy to you?" I asked Chaz.

"Nah. Usual ol'Justin." Chaz mumbled, and started cooking again.






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