The Revolutionary B&B.

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"Did I sleep with you last night?"

Those words ringing in your ears as you drive, Ace had asked a member of staff at Shanks' B&B if they had...done the deed last night and received a slap for it, of course. She sure had a temper.

But it's safe to say, Ace has completely forgotten everything.

You had apologized on his behalf to this 'Nami' woman who had slapped him for asking her such things, she claimed that they hadn't spent the night together at all and that she simply served him the drinks when Rosinante's shift ended. Not that she needed to explain herself to you, you're fully aware.

Throughout the entire ride to Sabo and Koala's B&B bits of information from last night kept flooding back to you. 

Like how Ace's breathe tasted and smelt like alcohol but it was strangely addictive, how his hair felt when you grabbed clumps of it, how he didn't leave an inch of your body unpleasured and how he would whisper in your ear. You distinctly remember him claiming how he had wanted this for so long. 

And now he can't even remember it. Way to make a girl feel good, Ace. You goon. 

With each memory comes another shade of red in your cheeks. You can remember the positions as clearly as day; you had done some oral, you had rode him afterward and there was some doggy style before you had both finished and passed out. 

Your brain melting into mush as you recall how soft his hands felt, especially around your bre--"How did you sleep at the B&B last night?" Ace asking you suddenly and even managing to make you jump slightly, the car almost swerving out of control due to your jolt but you're quick to pull it together.

Ace's eyes widening slightly in surprise, clearly he's not used to seeing you drive like this, you're usually a good driver. You had always wiped the smiles off of the boys' faces when they said you couldn't drive because you're a female, you were better than all of them and they knew it.

"Are you okay? You're not being yourself." The freckled boy asks with concern lacing his voice, his brows knitting together and his widened eyes now landing on you. 

In his hand is a clipboard with the scoring sheet on it, making it evident to you that is why he asked such a thing and that he hadn't remembered anything, still. "I slept well." Is all you murmur, completely avoiding his question and keeping your eyes focused on the road.

You hear the pen scratching against paper as Ace writes down your answer, a quiet and subtle sigh leaving his lips. "We'll give them a 10, I guess they deserve it." However, you don't hear him write that answer down. In fact, the car goes deadly quiet and you can already feel his burning stare on you. "Hey...[F/n], where did you sleep last night?"


"I-Is...Is...Uh..." Your mouth seeming to dry up, disabling any explanations to leave your lips involving last night, you can just about feel the cold sweat beginning to pour down your face as you desperately scan the road before you, in search of a subject changer. "Is...that a spider in the road...?"

Wow, [F/n]...there's nothing out there that even looks like a spider.

"Huh?" Despite your question being completely random and not at all related to Ace's concerns, he still looks out of the window as if he's trying to spot the creature that you had mentioned. "No, that's a dead bird."

Of course he's not lying. There is coincidentally a dead bird laying in the road, a pigeon by the looks of it. You suppose that's a good thing, kind of. You feel sorry for the little guy, sure, but at least there's something there. Even though it still looks nothing like a spider.

"Are you sure you're okay to drive? I'll take over if you want?"

"No need, we're here~!" You blurt out before even giving him a chance to try and convince you, last time you allowed him to drive he passed out at the wheel and you haven't forgotten it. Just like you haven't forgotten last night. 

Ace quickly finishing up on rating Shanks and Charlotte's B&B before he gets out of the car, helping you take the luggage inside.

Koala is the one who greets you both, the girl offering to show you to your room and Ace's eyes once again being glued to her chest. This time, however, Koala notices it. And so does Sabo, the blonde sending his brother daggers from the doorway.

"Uh...right this way, Ace?" Koala's usually happy-go-lucky attitude sounding slightly on the rocks, the poor girl clearly doesn't enjoy being ogled. Turning on her heel, she begins to lead you both toward the staircase but Ace just about freezes the poor girl in her tracks with his mere words.

"Hey, Koala! I hate to ask, but did we have sex last night?"

The question even stuns you, you can only imagine how Koala feels and you can see Sabo still stood in the doorway, but now with wide eyes and his jaw hanging ajar in shock. Koala slowly turning around to face the freckled male with confusion written all over her features.

Oh, you poor angel, Koala...

" wrong with you, Ace?" The girl responds slowly, her head tilting to the side slightly as she visibly reads his face for an answer. Luckily for him, Koala is an understanding girl and can see that something isn't quite piecing together for the raven.

"The girl I was with last night should have a hickey on the valley on her breasts, that's all I recall. I wanna know who it was, it's driving me crazy!" Ace's words causing you to instinctively touch your chest, where the hickey lies. Thankfully, you have a shirt that hides it up well, so he wouldn't find it any time soon.

"You don't casually ask somebody if you've had sex with them, you perv!" Sabo finally scolds his brother upon finding his words, his arms crossed over his chest and his brows furrowed in irritation. If he's not Koala's boyfriend already, he clearly wants to be.

Yep. I kinda ship it.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?!"

"Stop being an idiot comes to mind!"

You and Koala both watching the brothers beginning to bicker with the most displeased expressions. Koala's is most likely because of them two arguing during this contest but yours is mainly because you're offended that Ace had forgotten it was you.


Rooms With A Spark. {Portgas D. Ace x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now