The Bonney Kid B&B.

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"So guys, I thought that we could have an eating contest to kick things off~!" Bonney excitedly blurts allowing you all to gather around a massive dining table filled with what-must-be one hundred pies. "Kid will be your referee and I'll...leave the room because I want to eat them all right here and now! No cheating~!"

Your eyes averting to the brothers as Bonney leaves the room, you notice both Sabo and Ace's faces light up at the sight before them. They're clearly already dying to dig in and they probably want to marry the pinkette at the moment. Charlotte tutting as she rolls her eyes.

"Pies...ugh! Why couldn't it be candy?" The large lady rudely complains as she crosses her arms over her chest, the comment earning her a glare from Kid but he merely shrugs it off.

"Fine, if you wanna be picky, then you'll lose." The young redhead grumbles, taking a seat at the end of the table as he boredly picks up a metal hammer that's attached to a wrestling bell. "By the way, If anyone'll be deemed losers."

A ding blurting out before anyone has a chance to argue, Sabo and Ace immediately diving into their pies while you, Koala and Shanks eat them at a reasonable pace. A pace that wouldn't cause indigestion. And then there's Charlotte, simply glaring down at her pies. 

"I don't like this kind of food!" She essentially spits the sentence, a spec of her saliva clearly landing in Koala's pie and immediately putting the girl off. A visible cringe taking over her face as she drops her fork onto the plate in clear displeasure. 

"I don't care." Kid grumbles, his golden eyes watching the rest of you eat, a smirk beginning to spread across his lips when he notices how competitive Ace and Sabo are getting with each other. 

The two using their hands to shovel the pies into their mouths rapidly and not even chewing properly before swallowing, often sending glares across the table at each other also as if to say they won't loose. 

Shanks calmly eating his pies using a fork, his dark eyes staring at the two in complete shock. And then there's you beside Ace and Koala. Thankfully, you're opposite Shanks and not Charlotte, who spits when she yells.

 You're just about mimicking Shanks here when it comes to eating habits, except that you're not surprised by the brothers at all, they've always been greedy, even in school. Your eyes are more focused on your pies, there's about 20 each...who in the world has the energy to cook all of these? You had to hand it to the chefs, they're good. Too bad Koala's got ruined straight away. 

A sudden loud bang emerges from beside you, causing your body to jolt a little from surprise, your eyes following the noise to see that Ace has passed out. Face-first in his half eaten pie no-less, the man was on his sixth too. 

No way! How's anyone meant to beat that?!

Of course, Sabo is still in the competition and wide awake. The blonde starting on his eighth pie and immediately making you feel outmatched. You're only on your third and it was a struggle to get this far, you feel like you should just give up now...

Kid's expression now looking uncaring, clearly he's predicting the winner just like you. It's safe to say that he gets bored easily and doesn't like the expected so you'll have to make sure he's always got some form of entertainment when it's your B&B.

A loud thud catches your ear, followed by a pained groan. Your eyes following the sound to Sabo, the blonde spraying his chewed up pie all over Ace, Ace's food and even managing to get some of your food also.

You're somewhat annoyed that he has just sabotaged your meal and chances of winning but you're also curious. Noticing the awfully pained expression on his face, you're wondering what caused it. His hands releasing the pie as they dive down under the table, the blonde grabbing his shin as he whines. 

"Th-That was cheating, Shanks! You asshole!"

Oh, that's what happened?

"I don't know what you mean, Sabo~" The redhead responds softly, a rather naughty smile on his face as he reaches for his ninth pie. "Do you get what he's talking about, Kid~?" 

Of course, Kid looks slightly puzzled himself. The referee taking glances at the both of them before he averts his eyes to you, then back to them. "I don't know what just happened...But Sabo, you're out for spitting food." The grumpy man decides. 

So it's now a contest between you and Shanks. You immediately notice the older redhead look up at you with an almost innocent grin on his face.


"I LOSE!" You announce cowardly as you drop your fork into the plate, holding your hands up in shameless defeat and your legs just about backing up into your seat to try and get out off Shanks' range. This is much to Sabo's displeasure.


"It's just the same as puking, Sabo. You've lost your pie, so you lose the contest. Unless you wanna lick it off of your brother and his partner to win." 

"N-No thank you..." Kid smirks at Sabo's decision before he dings the wrestling bell, seemingly liking the fact that neither Ace or Sabo won. 

The bell apparently waking Ace up, the boy's handsome face absolutely covered in cherry pie. "Sorry about that, guys. I fell a--OH~! I STILL GOT PIE~!" The raven-haired boy blurts excitedly, beginning to dig into his food once again and completely wipes the smirk off of Shanks' and Kid's faces in the process.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you still got pie! You fell asleep and the bell went so you lose!" Kid proving himself to be a grumpy man once again, although it doesn't seem to bother Ace.

"I don't care, I'm still eating this food~!" The freckled male muffles with bits of pie in his mouth and it's only now that you realize why Shanks' smirk had vanished. The redhead holding a fist to his mouth and watching in complete horror as Ace eats the pie that Sabo had previously spat all over.

Ew...Dear Lord, boy.

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