Q&A + note

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So guys here is the super extra long one (haha...sorry). Anyway it is supposed to let you guys get to know us as individuals legit right!? Yeah anywhore read! ~Gabbie

Have you ever:

1. Skipped class?

M: Yes

B: Nope

G: Never at least not on purpose

2. Did drugs?

M: Never

B: Not at all

G: Nope, but I'm on prescription drugs so...does that count

3. Self harmed?

M: Nope

B: Nuh-uh

G: No and if you do I send you my love

4. Drank?

M: Nada

B: nope you dope

G: haha no epileptic ova here

5. Shoplifted?

M: Yes*sarcasm*

B: No

G: I was six and it was a my little pony toy alright! Take me away!

6. Gotten a tattoo?

M. Totally*sarcasm*

B: No

G: Nope but maybe in the future

7. Broken up with someone?

M: Yes

B: Yes

G: Sure

What's your favorite:

8. Movie?

M: I don't know

B: That's not a nice question!

G: Too many!

9. Show?

M: Dunno

B: Chuck

G: Psssht not Castle

10. Song?

M: No comprendo

B: Again! Not a nice question to ask!

G: Uhh...derp

11. Memory?

M: Anything with my grandma

B: Not getting blood poinsioning that's for sure

G: Anytime where I didn't (or wasn't) in a hospital or ambulance

12. Place?

M: Away from hoomans

B: In my barn!

G: In my bed!!! It's nice and warm!

13. Subject?


B: English

G: All except math

14. Favorite book(not on wattpad)


B:Fallen, Hunger Games, Vladimic Tom

G: Ugh Fallen(series), Fault in our stars, Divergent(series), Need(series), fuck I need a life...

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