I sigh, shivering slightly as I read everything. I walk next door and open it, revealing the half blonde half grey haired boy. He wore black framed glasses, and oddly enough he wasn't chained like his friend.

"Sir.. did you dye your hair that way?" I asked him

"No actually, I woke up and it was there, it's my brother,"

"Your.. Brother..?" I look at him in confusion.

"Yeah, he's my brother.. Hey, can you do something for me?" He looked at me with slightly pleading eyes.

"What is it..?"

"I want.. My mask.. Please.."

"I'm sorry i can't.. But i can do something else for you."

"What might that be?"

"Take you to your friend 665."

"You would? Wonderful!" he grinned as he spoke in his German accent.

"Yeah, follow me." I lead him into 665's room, opening the door.

"Oh dear senpai, it's been far too long now hasn't it?" Mist smirked as she struggled in her chains.

"Ah, it has my dear, it has. I have something for you~" He smirked, holding out a drawing of an emoji.

"Whoa, that's really good, how'd you learn that?" She smiled at him as i look at Clayton in shock.

"My brother taught me"

"Its awesome!" she chuckled "Are you able to get me outta these chains love, im hungyyy~" she pouted.

"I don't think they'll allow me dear, i'd need brother's strength to do that, and i'd need that mask.."

"GIVE HIM THAT MASK YOU BASTARD! NOW!" She looked at me with glaring eyes.

"Calm down dear, calm down, he'll be out soon~"

"What do you mean by that?" I glare at 667. "You're not getting that mask anytime soon!"

"Well.. I was thinking that they would let us maybe walk around a bit for good behavior! I mean we haven't hurt anyone or anything lately now have we? I mean that would be fun now wouldn't it?" He looked over and smirked at 665, who sighed.

"I guess you're right" she says sarcastically.

'This poor boy' I think to myself. "Sure, you can walk around for a bit. But after I know you better." I sigh.

"Oh! Splendid! Of course you need to trust us better, I understand perfectly"

"Yeah.." I simply mumble

"Of course you can't trust us, you're a simple human" 665 growls at me.

"Now now dear, we don't want to get on (Y/G) nerves~ i will see you soon love, okay?"

"Okay senpai, i'll see you soon~ Hehe~"

"Goodbye my lover~" He sings, chuckling a bit

"Goodbye my crazy friend~" She laughs softly.

I sigh as i watch 667 walk back to his room and I look at the other patients files.

Name: Austin Daniels

Age: 19

Status: alive

Nickname: Rip tide

Room #: 668

Condition: Extreme Anger Issues, cannibalistic serial killer.

What he is: an easily triggered 19 year old man with razor sharp fangs with excessive rage.

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