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Dear Tyler and Josh,

This is probably not gonna ever reach you, but I need to say this. I have to say this because there's a chance that someone might read this who knows you or who'd be seeing you at a meet and greet or concert and they might be able to thank you for me. So, yeah.

I'd heard quite a lot of your songs before this, and I considered myself a fan because your music helped me. A lot. One day I decided to dig deeper, into the not so known songs, and I found Isle Of Flightless birds.

I still can't not cry really badly when listening to it.

'Please don't think about why you can't sleep in the evening

And please don't be afraid of what your soul is really thinking

Your soul knows good and evil

Your soul knows both sides

It is time you pick your battles

And I promise you this is mine.'

That verse? I have needed someone to say those words for nearly seven years, ever since I was seven, and you said them for me Tyler. You and Josh let me know that I didn't have to be afraid of myself anymore, and I don't think that I can ever find the words to thank you enough for that.

People find out I listen to twenty one pilots, they either ask me something like "aren't they the guys who wrote the song 'my name's BLURRYFACE?'" or "aren't they the really depressing guys?" or "I get that you're American, Miss. Eggplant-not-aubergine, but you ARE in Britain. Listen to British people for once." I only know two people who get you, and they're the girls who you-wanna-be-friends-with-but-you-don't-know-how-to-go-about-it-cause-they're-cool-and-intimidating.

So yeah, it's just you and me. Or, your music and me.

To me, both are the same thing- and I know you strive for that.

Yeah, I would love to meet you. I would love to shake your guys' hands and maybe get a hug and be able to tell you just how much you mean to me and just how much I respect you.

See what I did there, Josh?

Seriously though, the influence you have had on me this past six months that I've REALLY known you had been immense. Before, when all I'd want to do was to lock myself in my room and cry I'd snap at my family and distance myself from friends while making sure no one noticed that I wasn't happy. Now when all I wanna do is lock myself in my room and cry, I do exactly that but with a pair of headphones and your songs and speeches right there beside me.

And sometimes... Sometimes I forget to feel ashamed of the fact that I'm not okay and if anyone knew, they wouldn't care.

Anyone except you guys, of course.

Tyler, Josh, thank you. Thank you for being there and letting us- letting me- know you're here and reaching out with your music and being friends and just staying alive. We're all (I am) proud of you, and I hope you're proud of me.

I just hope that you keep making music for at least five more years, and that you come to London at the end of those five years, because I need a chance to come meet you and talk to you and just validate that you're alive, that you're here, and I need a chance to tell you all that I've written here face to face ( without another adult around cause they would freak out and not in a good way).

I know I've said this a lot already, but thank you. Thank you and keep doing what you're doing because, whatever it is? It's working.

A/N: just wanted to say, if anyone's able, if you guys are gonna have a chance to meet them could you pass this letter on? It's would really mean a lot to me, frens. Stay Alive |-/

Dear Tyler and JoshWhere stories live. Discover now