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My brown, leather boots heavily collide with the floor making a loud stomping sound. My eyebrows furrowed and my expression confused, I unlock my front door and walk in, slamming it. 

I throw my bag onto the floor and pace around my apartment. I let out a sigh as I run my hands through my hair, resting my back against the wall, breathing in and out. 

Scarlett Winters is dead.




I refuse to believe that she is dead when I just talked to her a week ago. 

Maybe she was lying? Maybe her name wasn’t even Scarlett Winters in the first place? What if she was just messing with me?

But what if it was her, and I was making contact and having a conversation with her spirit. My stupid subconscious adds, making my head spin even more. 

I let out a loud groan and let my head fall into my hands. 

I need to relax and think about all this.

I walk into my room and stare at my reflection in the mirror.

My hazel pupils are dilated, my curls sticking out in different directions and my cheeks are flushed a light shade of pink. 

I purse my lips and look down, focusing my gaze on the floor, leaning back against my side table. I lick my lips slightly and walk into the bathroom, grabbing my towel from the hanger. I strip my clothes off and step into the shower, turning on the water as the hot, steamy and soothing water drips down my body. 

I slide down onto the floor, my back pushed against the wall as I shut my eyes. 

What the hell have I gotten myself into? 

I scrub myself a few times and snatch my towel and wrap it on the bottom half of my body, leaving the top half exposed. I walk towards my sink and drop my head low, staring at the white, blank sink, left in my own thoughts. 

I inhale and look up at myself, taking in my appearance. I exhale and lift myself off of the sink and dry my body and hair, putting on some clothes. 

I walk back into my bedroom and sit myself down on the couch, letting my head rest back on the head of the couch. 


I need some air, fresh air. 

I quickly walk towards my window and unlock the latch, letting the cold, breezy air into my apartment. I stick my head out the window and stare at the outside world. 

Life would’ve been so much easier and uncomplicated if I didn’t meet or talk to Scarlett in the first place. That is, if that even is her real name. 

A couple walks down the path, hand in hand, smiling at each other as the man pecks the woman’s nose lightly. Her face immediately lights up as she giggles and smiles. I hastily look away, stepping away from the window. 

A pang of jealously hits my chest. 

If only someone loved me. If only I had someone who I could love. 

I let out a sad sigh and look out the window once more. The man smiles at me and gives me a small nod, which I politely return.

I reach over and shut the window and walk to the kitchen. 

I open the top cupboard and grab a glass. I open the fridge and take a water bottle out, pouring some into the glass.

I gulp the water down, leaving only a bit left in the glass.

I decide to fill it up once more, in case I get thirsty again.

I place the water bottle back in the fridge and walk out of the kitchen with the glass in my hand. 

I turn around and head to the room but immediately stop when I feel cold air lightly blowing against my skin. The hairs on my skin stand up slightly as I rub the back of my neck. I swallow and slowly turn around, only to be greeted with the window, wide open. 

My breathing increases as I furrow my eyebrows. 

Didn’t I just close the window…?

I take a few steps forward and shut the window, once again. I shut my eyes and catch my breath. 

It was nothing, Harry. It was probably just… the wind, or something.

I turn on my heel and stop at the sight in front of me. 

The glass of water slips from hand and falls onto the floor. My jaw drops onto the floor as my eyes widen.

“Scarlett?” I choke out.

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