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"Scarlett Winters. Winters, Scarlett. Scarlett, Winters." I murmured to myself, drumming my fingers along the top of my desk.

Where is she now? Who is she? Where is she from? How did she know my name? Is she okay? Where did she go?

All these questions swarm through my mind, keeping me up all day and night.

Ever since the day I spoke to her, Scarlett has been on my mind constantly. She's never left it, once. I've tried many ways to forget about her, I've tried drinking until I passed out, I've tried to get high and have some fun, I've even tried to find a girl to keep her off my mind.

It doesn't even matter how much fun I'm having, she'll always find a way to sneak into my head and leave me with a thousand questions swarming through my mind.

"Styles," Niall calls out, causing me to quickly snap back to reality.

I met Niall a few years back at a bar in Ireland, he offered me a drink, we both got wasted and somehow ended up as best friends. We started to hang out more often, talk about our personal lives and share secrets with each other.

One day, Niall showed up at my door step looking sad and depressed as hell, I obviously asked what was wrong and he had explained to me that him and his family would be moving out of the country and starting a new life in London, England. I became upset and started convincing him and telling him not to leave because he was my only friend and source of hope in life. But eventually, he had to move. We still kept contact and he soon introduced me to his new friends, Louis, Liam and Zayn. They were all originally from England. Months later, I found out that my dad got offered a job in London, therefore we had to move too.

Long story short, my family moved to London, I reunited with Niall, and we became closer than ever.

After a few months, Niall and I both decided to get a job so we could afford our own apartments. Niall and I searched high and low for jobs that were appropriate for us, and I guess here we are now, at Hill High Bakery.

I looked up at him,


"You okay man? You seem kinda.. off." Niall says, taking a seat next to me.

I wave it off,

"No worries mate, I'm fine, I've just got a little headache, that's all." I reply, silently praying that he'll tell me to go home.

He pats my back and gives me a sympathetic smile,

"Go home, get some rest." He says before waving goodbye and walking off.

I mentally do a little dance and cheer as I grab my things and shove it into my leather sling bag and walk out the bakery.

I wrap my coat around me and stare at the plain, old concrete floor and before I know it, I'm already standing in front of my apartment.

I look up at the tall building and smile to myself.

I walk in and quietly greet the receptionists and make my way towards the elevators.

I chew the inside of my lip as I tap my foot onto the floor, anxious to have a shower and have a think to myself.

A 'ding' rings through my ears, indicating that I'm already on the floor of my flat. I let out a sigh of relief and walk out.

I swing my bag to the side and search for my keys. After a good 1 minute, I finally find them and unlock the door. I throw my bag onto the floor and let myself fall onto the couch as I kick my brown, old, leather boots off, making a thud sound as they hit the floor.

The first thing that comes to my mind is Scarlett.

I need to contact her somehow.

I don't care what I have to do, I just need to see her or meet up again. I don't know why, but I feel a strong connection between the two of us.

I let those thoughts swim through my mind as I drag myself to the shower to calm myself.

The hot, soothing water drips down my body and hair as I lean back against the wall, breathing in and out.

"Turn around, Harry." Someone said, who I presumed was the figure. I quickly turned around and let out a gasp. There she was.

"How do you know my name?" I asked demandingly, taking a few steps towards her.

The figure only smiled, "My name is Scarlett," She starts, completely ignoring my question. Scarlett turns her back towards me as she begins to make her way out, her wavy, dark brown hair clear in sight,

"Scarlett Winters."

I groan as I rub my forehead and kick the wall in the cubicle.

I squeeze my eyes shut and bring my hands to my hair and tug as I let out a deafening scream,

"Get out of my head! Get out!" I scream as I shake my head and continuously kick the walls.

I grab the shower handle and rinse myself once more, inhaling and exhaling to try and catch my breath.

I slide the door open slightly and grab a shower towel and dry myself. I walk over to my dressing drawer and pick out some clothes to wear for the day.

I jog over to my bed and tuck myself under the covers, alone in my own thoughts.

Someone has to know who Scarlett Winters is.

Someone has to know what had happened to Scarlett Winters.

Someone has to know.

I let out a deep breath as I try to recompose my mind.

Think, Harry. Think.

An insane idea suddenly sparks in me as I jump off my bed and grab my phone and dial my Uncle's number.

The ringing tone fills my ears as I impatiently wait for him to pick up.

"Harry! Hi son!"

"Hi Uncle Ben, how are you?"

"Oh I'm fine! And you?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Listen, can I meet you tomorrow?" I ask, hoping that he'll let me see him.

"Uh.." Uncle Ben starts off and I can almost picture him fumbling for his agenda as he checks his timetable for tomorrow.

"Sure! I'm free tomorrow, just come visit me whenever you please." He says and I immediately smile and sit up.

"Okay, well, I'll see you tomorrow Uncle Ben, Bye!" I quickly say and hang up before he even gets the chance to reply.

I throw my phone onto my bed and breathe out as I stare out the window, admiring the outside world.

Uncle Ben is a detective and he knows almost everyone in London because of all the personal records that he keeps and takes care of.

When I meet him tomorrow I'm definitely going to ask him about Scarlett and if he knows anything about her. I'm going to need a lot of answers if I want to contact her.

I let my thoughts and questions about Scarlett fill my mind as I slowly drift into a deep, soundless sleep.


Picture of Scarlett on the side :)

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