
She turned around and in front of her was Sheriff Stilinski with his hands on his belt with furrowed eyebrows. Her posture straightened as she realised it was him. They both stared at each other for a moment but Lydia couldn't help but give him a glare. How could he be fine with all of this?

But when she looked closely, Lydia noticed how upset he was and disappointment was clearly seen in his eyes. His face looked tired and looking at that made Lydia's face soften and she gave him a small smile but didn't realise she was crying through the process.

His arms extended and she ran into his arms giving him a tight hug. She didn't know why but it felt like he was her father. "Come to my office." He said pulling away the hug. Lyydia nodded and followed behind him to the office with her head down and cleaning up the tears.

Once he closed the door behind him, he leaned over to his desk. "Do want anything?" He asked. "Some water, coffee-"

"Yeah, I actually want something." She said. "Sure I'll go get it."

"I want to know who did this," she looked at him in the eyes and stood up from the couch she sat when she entered in his office. "And I want to know why they did it." Stilinski sighed and rubbed his temple. He was about to say no but Lydia interrupted him. "Please Sheriff," she begged. "Don't you want to know why they did that?"

"Maybe he was a little too drunk one night and-"

"And nothing," she stepped closer to him. "You don't even look like you know your son! You know he wouldn't do such thing! You know-"

"Then why are there evidences Lydia!?" Mr. Stilinski yelled. "I tried to believe it was a mistake but the girl came here and we tested everything! His DNA was in her body and there were evidences she was raped! BY HIM!" Lydia took a step back. Her breath hitched her throat.

Lydia shook her head repeatedly and kept saying 'no' under her breath. Tears were streaming down her eyes, she couldn't breathe, her lungs were giving out and knees were weak. She took a seat on the couch and Stilinski took a seat next to her. "I want to see her." She demanded. "Lydia-"

"I WANT TO SEE HER!" She screamed. "I want to see her. Right now or I'll do everything in my power to find that girl and you know I have enough power to find her within two weeks." She threatened. Stilinski nodded and sighed.

"I'll take care of that, Lydia, just be patient."

"Can I see him?" Lydia asked trying to ignore the 'be patient part'. Stilinski sighed and nodded, he had no choice so he took her to his son's cell.

When they got there, Stiles had his back turned to them but it was visible that his hands were on his head and when they approached the cell he didn't turn around to see who it was. Lydia stared at his back for a little longer, she didn't know what to do or whether she should have a real conversation with him and clean this whole thing up or she would just say she missed him, stay with him for a few hours and go. He had to many things going on right now and he doesn't need Lydia to add up another pile of problems to solve right now either.

She lost the track of thought when Stilinski touched her shoulder and nodded at her with a sympathetic smile. Lydia nodded and smiled back before the Sheriff left the two alone.

"Stiles?" Lydia's voice was shaky and it wasn't strong or loud but it was loud enough for Stiles to hear.

He sat up straight and took his hands off his head slowly, then he turned his neck a little bit and stood up, turning around. When she finally got to see his face a tear slipped down her eye.

Stiles had huge bags under his amber eyes. He looked pale and his eyes didn't have that brightness they usually do. It's like they were weak and lifeless, his hair was a mess and clothes were dirty. "Lydia." He hurried to get to her and even though they wanted to get closer the bars stopped them to do so.

They held hands tightly together not wanting to let go anytime soon. "I miss you so much." Lydia said. "I know I miss you too."

2 hours later, Stiles and Lydia are sat on each side of the floor cell holding hands. Their heads against the bars and looking at each other. Stiles looks down at their hands. "Lyds?" He said looking up at her again. "Hm?"

"Don't come visit me again." He pleaded. Lydia was about to protest when he interrupted her. "I don't want you to see me like this." He said looking ashamed of himself. "I don't care," she said. "I don't care if you are in this cell, at my house, the hospital or anywhere else I would still go and see you wether you like or not. So deal with it Stilinski." She smiled. Stiles smiled back and kissed her knuckles. "Visit's over." Parish ruined the moment. "You know I used to like you," Stiles narrowed his eyes at him. "And hour visit finishes at 8."

Parrish pulled out his phone and showed them the time.

8:00 pm.

Dang it!

Lydia nodded and stood up, making Stiles stand with her. They stared at each other for a few seconds and said goodbye to each other. "I can't believe you used to like this guy." Lydia shook her head and sighed before going back home.

Stiles sank to the floor again and put his hands on his head.

How was he going to tell her?

What do you guys think?

Peace ✌🏾

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Love y'all ❤️

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