Chapter 9

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After awhile, everyone met outside the front entrance of the club. "Hey, hey, hey~ Let's take some pictures to commemorate this outting that Makoto has taken part of" Masami said holding up her phone. As the girls took pictures, me and guys also took a few and posted them up on our social media.

I grabbed Makoto and pulled her next to me and handed my phone to Nafla, "Take our picture for me" I said standing in front of the entrance. While Nafla positioned himself to where we had light shining on us, he started to count from 3, "Ready? 3... 2... 1... Say cheese." Right before the flash came on, I kissed Makoto and held the kiss.


Yūki kissed me as Nafla took the picture and continued to kiss me. Awes and gasps were heard from not only fans, but our friends too. As I started to enjoy the kiss, I started to lose my breath, but I didn't want him to stop. As a matter of fact I leaned in closer to him and he deepened the kiss while asking for permission to enter, "Goddamn! Breathe!" Loota and Ji Yong said at the same time.

We broke apart as our friends laughed, Yūki looked really flustered when I looked at him. I put my hands on his face and gave him an 'Are you ok' look. His hands went down from my waist to my butt when he said "That kiss was one of the hottest kisses I've ever got." I felt my face heat up from his comment.

¤In the Apartments Lobby¤

As we entered the lobby, I got a text from my mom reminding me of the meeting that we're having tomorrow afternoon. Replying right away, I checked the time then sighed. "Sorry everyone," I apologized "I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon, so I'm gonna go up and get ready for tomorrow." Everyone said alright and I started towards the elevator. When I got on and watched the doors close, a hand came through the door making it open up again. "Trying to leave me so soon?"

"Yūki, why aren't you going with everyone else to the other party?" I asked as he got comfortable on my bed, "Because I wanted to spend sometime with my baby that I haven't seen for just about three months." I rolled my eyes then went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After my short shower and putting a tank top and a pair of surfer shorts on, I went back to my room only to find a sleeping Yūki in bed. "The least you could've done was got under the covers" I shook my head and covered him up before getting in bed myself and falling asleep.

¤Next Morning¤

As the morning sunlight came through my curtains, I woke up, stretched and looked at the tatted body that was shirtless and laying to me. 'His hair is a hot mess' I giggled as I moved some of his hair off of his cheek and kissed him. I looked to the other side of the room and saw Song was still sleeping. Slowly getting out of bed and grabbed my clothes then left the room quietly.

I went in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I looked at my face and moved my hair off of my forehead, revealing a scar I had gotten from Dong Woo. 'Wherever you are, I will find you and make you regret what you've done to me and Song, Dong Woo...' I started getting dressed, fixed my hair and brushed my teeth. There was a knock on the door followed by Masami walking in and placing herself on the toilet. My nose scrunched up as the smell of alcohol came in shortly after her, "Make sure you shower" I said to her and she nodded.

I went back to my room and looked in the closet door mirror to make sure nothing was out of place before leaving. Nodding at my cleanliness, I grabbed my phone, keys, and bag then left.

Time flew by as I was in the meeting. The meeting was about expanding both my company and my father's company to other countries. It was also about how my company was raiding to the top of all companies in the world. "Although the company started five months ago, it's already in the top 10 at #8 right behind The Sakamaki Co. which is currently holding 7th place. If we expanding MNY to other places, then it'll shoot up top 5 with Hermia, Golden Star, Aqua, NoRi, and RnP" Rai said showing a diagram of the five companies sales.

As I examined MNY's sales from the stores and online stores, I agreed with him, "Rai's right, if we do expand MNY's and Meilei, then the sales will sky rocket" "That's true but please do remember that we won't be able to beat Aqua, Hermia, or Golden Star when it comes to sales." I looked up and saw one of the elder guys that works with father glaring at me. I looked back at him, "Aqua isn't competition for us, and Hermia and Golden Star won't even have a chance with us if we expand to other states and countries. Both only handle shipments only within Asia, therefore if we do shipments in and out of Asia, we'll be able to knock them both out of 4th and 5th" Rai backed up both of our statements.

'Now that I'm head of my own company, I don't have to listen to what you think is right and isn't right for the company anymore old man' I looked at the man's facial expression change from confident to defeat.

When the meeting ended, I exchanged a few words with my mom and step father then left the building. I yawned and looked up at the sky enjoying the beautiful light blue sky. "God I'm tired" Rai said from behind me as he came outside. I glanced behind me and followed Rai with my eyes until he stood next to me, "I'm surprised you came." "Of course came stupid, I have all of the information about the sales and stuff that we needed for the meeting" he stated in a cocky tone. We both took a deep breath then sighed before giving each other a high five and going in different directions.

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