Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry, but some of them was coming off of the elevator and almost saw us." I nodded and looked back at my waist, "Could you let go of me please?" "Ah! Sorry!" He apologized and quickly removed his arm. I took a few steps towards the entrance of the apartment and pulled out an extra pair of slippers as I took my shoes off and placed them next to Masami's. As I looked up from the slippers, I opened the sliding door to go in and realized that the living room had trash on the coffee table and side tables. Sighing at the mess, I went in and said "Please excuse the mess, me and my friend didn't clean up before we left...." He chuckled and walked towards the couch, "Its not a problem. My place is messier then then this" he laughed and sat down on the couch.

I put the earrings I bought me and Masami in my room then shot her a text:

Me: Just got back...

Masa🤙👩‍⚕️: Alright
Masa🤙👩‍⚕️: What's the matter?

Me: Well
Me: Before coming home, I went to buy something and when I was done someone ran into me while running from a group of fan girls...

Masa🤙👩‍⚕️: Ok... That doesn't explain why you added 3 periods

Me: That's because it was your friend that has tats on his throat and arms that was being chased

Masa🤙👩‍⚕️: Oookkkaaayyy

Me: He's sitting in our HOT MESS of a living room...

Masa🤙👩‍⚕️: 😨😱
Masa🤙👩‍⚕️: Kohh's place is dirty then ours so don't worry. I gotta go, one of the patients is threatening a nurse

Me: Kk, be careful

Masa🤙👩‍⚕️: Always 🤘✊

I put my phone in my back pocket and sighed. Going back to the living room, I noticed that the trash was picked up and Masami's friend wasn't in the living room. I heard water running in the kitchen and followed the noise. Turning the corner to go in the kitchen, I found him cleaning our dishes. I went over to him and put my hands on his arm, "You don't have to clean our dishes, I was going to do that." "Its fine, I do whenever Masami don't have time to clean up" he said smiling at me.

"No really, I can clean them. I understand that you helped her when she couldn't and when I wasn't here. I'm really grateful, but I can-" he raised his finger and put it in my face, "Masami told me how busy you are with your work, so go sit down and relax." I don't have a problem with that, but this guy isn't even dating either one of us. Well at least I think he's not dating Masami...

To tired to argue, I went to sit down and checked my social media. On just about all of my social media was a lot of pictures of my ex, Dong Min, with my good friend Song. Thinking about telling Song how much of a jerk Dong Min is, that guy came and sat next to me. Looking at my phone, he asked "Do you know that couple?" Despising the man next to my friend so much that I couldn't stand looking at the picture anymore, "Yeah" I answered putting my phone down. He took the phone out my hand and looked at the picture, "Must be nice having someone to spend the rest of their life with" he smiled although he had a displeased look on his face.

'Who are you?' was the only thought running through my mind. The art that covered his arms and neck, really intrigued me, "Who are you?" I asked so bluntly without a second thought. He looked at me like I did something, more like said something wrong, 'Did I sound rude or was I being to blunt... but then again being to blunt is rude. It doesn't even matter because being blunt is rude! Ahhhh I screwed up!' I bowed my head and said "I'm terribly sorry, I was extremely rude just now..." "That wasn't rude," he said holding his hand out, "I'm the one that should apologize. The names Yūki Chiba, but everyone calls me Kohh." 'His smile is so... Bright'

I shook his hand and introduced myself, "Makoto Naomi Yamamoto, but some people calls me Naomi..." He looked at me for awhile which then caused me to blush, "It is you!" "It is me?" "You're that model that was in Reddy's MV Ocean View. You was also the photographer for Keith Ape's It G Ma jacket photo shoot. Don't you remember me?" He held my hand the whole time he was talking. I couldn't remember doing a jacket photo shoot with him, I barely remembered Keith Ape. I shook my head no, informing him that I don't remember him. "That sucks... Wait I think I have a picture still from that day" he took his phone out and went through his gallery.

It's been awhile since we last heard the fans, I'm ready for Yūki to leave. I was about to tell him that it was fine if he couldn't find the picture and that he should go to his apartment now, but he ended up finding it before I could attempt to say anything. Showing me the picture of me standing in between 5 guys that all had a bottle of liquor in their hand. Taking a closer look at the picture, I remembered taking the photos for this, "That's right... Ji Yong asked me if I could do the photo shoot that day because his friend wanted to meet me." "And when you got there, everyone was so surprised to actually meet you in person, everyone except Okasain" Yūki smiled while looking at the picture. The way he looked at it was like how someone that misses their friend or lover looks at a picture.

Watching him reminded me of how my mom used to look at my appa's picture when they got divorced. Remembering my appa and how we used to play, brought back memories of the day he died and the day of his funeral. The pain of remembering how appa jumped in front of multiple bullets just to protect me from a robbery. I slowly went into my thoughts, forgetting about everything around me as the memory of my appa's body falling to ground reply in my head over and over and over again. I was into the harsh memory that something startled me and brought me back to reality slowly.

'Warm.. There's something warm and wet on my face..' slowly coming back to reality, I was met with Yūki's beautiful brown eyes looking straight into mine with worry in them. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked in such a calm and sweet voice, just like how appa used to talk to me when something was upsetting me. As we stared into each other's eyes, I couldn't help but realize how much he's eyes resembled appa's beautiful brown eyes. I broke, "Appa~~" I said feeling tears well up in my eyes and falling out.

Yūki pulled me into a hug as I cried for my dead appa repeatedly like he was going to walk in and hold me in his arms. As he patted and rubbed my back, he tried to comfort me. "It's alright, it's alright... Just let it out... I understand..." This is what I'm most afraid of, showing people this side of me.

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