Chapter 6 {UNDER REFERB}

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As you woke up early in the morning you looked up at the ceiling thinking. Just thinking about how nerve wrecking everything was starting to become. You didn't want to go back to school honestly, or come up with plans to stop Zim or anything. You just wanted a peaceful normal life attempting to catch Bigfoot with your friend again. Everything somewhat made sense then. You attempted to close your eyes until you heard a knock on the door.

  "Hey Y/N! It's time to wake up!" You heard your Dad call out. You sighed and groaned getting up and opening the door. "Heya kiddo, how did you sleep?" You looked up to your Dad and you saw him flinch a little. "Not good huh?" You raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" You asked sounding confused. You rushed to the bathroom and turned on the light to see bags that were painfully clear under your eyes in the mirror. You sighed deeply and put your head in your hands. "I look awful." You mumbled rubbing your eyes and splashing water into your face. But sadly this just made you look even more exhausted than you did in the first place. Sadly there wasn't much you could do, so you ignored it for now and went into the kitchen to grab a pop tart and sit down tiredly on the kitchen table. "Hi honey." You plopped your head on the table after finishing the pop tart. "Are you ok hon?" You shook your head. Your mother approached you kissing your head. "Do you want to take the day off?" You shook your head again. "I can try to get through the day mom." You said quietly. You were tired, and very anxious. You were always anxious, but even more so lately. "Ok honey." She said her voice laced a bit with concern.

  Later you grabbed your bag and dragged yourself outside and began walking to school, until you heard someone run behind you. It wasn't a surprise on who it was. "Y/N! It's great to see you! I think I finally came up with a plan to stop Zim once for all! I'll need your help thoug-Oh Jeez are you ok?!" He asked looking at you concerned. "Oh I'm just tired. It's ok." You said simply. "Are y-you sure? You've got bags under your eyes Y/N." You attempted to hide it with a smile. "I'll be ok, now tell me about that plan of yours." He smiled and continued on as the two of you walked to school. Yeah, you didn't really want to talk about Zim but it made him happy and you wanted to see your best friend happy. Doesn't everyone though?

  That whole day was stressful on you, and lunch was your least favorite moment of the day. You sat next to Dib, and Gaz staring at your food not eating anything. "Hey Y/N, you haven't touched your (Insert favorite food). Are you ok?" You drew your attention to Zim who was currently picking at his food. You just couldn't see him the same anymore and the thoughts of yesterday haunted you. You started to panic, hyperventilate, and tear up. This was too much for you.

"Y/N?" You sat up and rushed to the unisex bathroom and locked yourself in. You leaned against the wall slowly sinking down until you sat on the cold floor. You tried to ground yourself taking deep breaths but unfortunately there was too much anxiety to stop. It all came at you and you started to softly cry.

  It wasn't until a few minutes later you heard a knock on the door. Maybe it was Dib? You unlocked and opened the door. "I-I'm so sorry I have to put you through this and you hav-" you were surprised to find it wasn't Dib at all. You jumped back a bit heart racing. It was Zim. "What are you doing here?" You say a little confused and irritated. He looked down at his food tray. "Well if you must know, Zim is disposing of this filthy human junk. Down the toilet it goes." He said walking past you, dumping the food in the toilet and flushing it. He turned around looking at you. "Why are your eyes red?" He asked and you tried rubbing your eyes to get rid of some of it. You tried to think of something to make up, but you couldn't think of anything so you said the truth. "I was crying Zim." He just stared at you. "Oh. Well, carry on then." He said walking out shutting the door behind him.

  You heard the bell ring signaling it was time to go outside, so you sighed trying to clean yourself up. Your eyes were still bloodshot red, and bags were still under your eyes. You sighed sadly. This was torture. You wanted to go home but you knew you had to stay. Ms. Bitters would kill you. You dragged yourself out of the bathroom and to the doors that led you outside. As you walked out more you heard someone call your name. "Hey Y/N! Come here!" Dib was currently peeking his head from behind a fairly large bush. You assumed he was spying from Zim from there. You sighed and followed along by going into the bushes and and meeting him on the other side. "So I've been doing some spying and research on Zim and I think...wait Y/N were you crying?" He said looking at your visibly red eyes. "No, It's just something in my eye." He looked at you raising an eyebrow. "Y/N come on, I know that isn't what happened." You looked down at the ground shyly, feeling tears in your eyes again. "Ok ok, your right. I was crying because I'm scared to loose my organs o-or something!" You said your little outburst slightly shocking him since you were always pretty clam and quiet. Dib was silent for a moment. "And that's why it's my sworn duty to save mankind! To ensure safety among you and others!" You smiled. You knew you were in good hands.



After a long day of school you finally got out. Thank Goodness. As you walked out of the classroom you grabbed your stuff from your locker and took out a CD to listen to music to the way home. "It was you! You must have given Gir the disc!" You froze and darted your eyes to the right to find Zim was staring at you. All you could do was start to run away, but soon enough he was following you. He kept going on about how he demanded to know answers about this disc etc etc. But you were too scared to answer anything without fearing for your life. Sadly you didn't know that he was incompetent with these situations and couldn't lay a dent on you even if he tried, so you kept running. Eventually you found a MacMeaties to hide in and jump behind the ordering counter.

  "If you're not steak you don't belong here." You heard a voice above you say. You looked up to find A lady near the cash register look down at you. You needed to come up with an excuse quickly. "I'm just trying to hide from my ex boyfriend." She looked up and stared Zim who just entered MacMeaties. "Who the green kid?" she asked. "Yes." The lady's face scrunched up looking at him once more. "Honey stay here as long as you like."

(Anyone get the reference? Ok I'll leave.)

  You waited for awhile behind the counter and heard another song play on the Jukebox. You must have been hiding for at least five minutes until you couldn't take it any longer and climbed over the other side of counter scanning for him. You couldn't find him so you ended up just leaving and walking home. As you closed the door behind you there was knocking at the door almost immediately. You answered and jumped back discovering it was Zim. "Explain this you filthy earth pig!" He said pointing to the disc in his hand. Oh. You felt incredibly stupid for running when this was all he needed. Well, you did when you started running but that's besides the point. You thought for a moment. Maybe you could make a deal with him to maybe try to get on his good side. "Well, I'll tell you....only if you go Mini Golfing with my Mom, Dad, and I on Friday Night." He looked disgusted at your bargain. "Zim will not partake in this golfing of the mini! This needs to be addressed now!" You were determined to get this Mini Golfing Night and you had to be more clever than that to convince him. "Well if Gir put it in how do you know it wasn't a virus? It would ruin your mission now wouldn't it?" You said in a flat tone trying to sound as serious as possible. Zim looked a little fed up and finally gave in. "FINE! I'll partake in this Mini Golf night." He said huffing and marching away back home. You smiled lightly.

  "Nailed it."

(A/N: I tried my best on this one. Hopefully it's satisfactory.)

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