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Saya sampai saja di Bukit Aman, saya ngam nampak Rhys di luar sama Jerry. Saya lupa semua tujuan sebenar saya balik KL tadi. Laju jantung saya mau dengar news dari dorang dua. Saya jalan pi tempat dorang, bulih nampak muka dorang macam susah hati ni.

"Lec, please calm when I tell you this. Braxton were kidnapped together with the nanny at Berjaya Times hotel parking lot a while ago?" Jerry pegang bahu saya cakap.

"WHAT?! Is this a joke? Not funny Jerry. Where's Alayna?" Saya langsung tidak peduli cakap dia.

"Bro, its true. Alayna and aunty di dalam." Rhys cakap.

Saya tidak tau bila saya nampak dia saya ingat balik tu gambar dia sama Alayna. Saya tahan hati marah ni.

"I have no time for this Rhys! What joke you're playing right now!!"

"Braxton had been kidnapped Lec" Rhys cakap muka serious.

"Bro...we suspected Vincent was the one who kidnapped your son and the nanny. I'll show you the cctv video later. Don't worry we will find your son. Tunang ko and your mum still in shocked. You should go and see them first." Jerry cakap.

Bila Jerry cakap begitu baru saya sedar yang ini bukan prank. Tiba2 laju jantung saya, darah macam mendidih panas.

"Are this for real??? BRAXTON WERE KIDNAPPED? FCUKING BASTARD. I SHOULD HAVE KILL THE MAN ALONG TIME AGO!" Saya pegang kepala pakai dua tangan

O my gawd!
My son was kidnapped!!!
Macam licak kaki saya tidak rasa tu lantai.
I don't know what to think.

"Calm down bro. We will find him. Orang sa sudah on moving cari...he can't go that far."

Saya mau cari Alayna sama mummy. Saya tidak tau mau buat apa. Macam kena cucuk jantung saya rasa ni sekarang. Anak saya kena culik. Saya tidak tau hidup mati dia sekarang. Saya masuk dalam nampak Alayna sama mummy duduk berpeluk. Mummy lari peluk saya. Thank God, dia tidak apa2. Saya pi dekat Alayna peluk dia. Since dapat call Rhys tadi suruh datang pi Bukit Aman, saya takut sudah something happen sama Alayna. I was so freaking scared but when I found out my 4 year old son was the one in trouble, I can't describe the feelings. I'm lost. I can't think of anything. I can't think of anyone now. I can't look at anyone nor Alayna. I just want my son back safely. I questioned God, is this the punishment I get for all the bad things I had done before? I rather die than being punished like this. He still small. He don't deserved this.

Marissa make the situation worst and tensed. Saya bingung and betul2 susah hati sampai Marissa cari gaduh sama Alayna pun saya tidak dapat bagi tumpuan. Saya tidak tau apa mau buat bila Marissa tampar Alayna, tapi nasib mummy tampar dia balik. Kalau ikut betul saya mau ajar Marissa masa tu tapi Braxton's missing is in my head and I definitely don't hit woman.

Di luar lepas jumpa Braxton.
"I want my son back Elec!!! I DON'T WANT THE BITCH TO TAKE MY SON AWAY FROM ME. Why are you so stupid? You're better than this!! Why do you still want her when you knew she was cheating on you!! Did you noticed Braxton doesn't want you too just now. He only want the bitch!"

Fcuking bitch! Mulut dia betul2 bikin saya temper. Saya angkat tangan saya mau tampar dia. Saya hampir mau tampar dia. Tapi saya tahan. She's a woman.

"YOU WANT TO HIT ME!" Marissa teriak.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH MARISSA. I will slap your face. I'll swear I will. Don't make me do it" saya tahan marah. I really need to slap her.

Then I saw the culprit who kidnapped my son, saya tidak dapat tahan the rage inside me. Saya memang sudah panas masa di Singapore lagi. Then anak saya hilang kena kidnap lagi. Tambah lagi Marissa kasi panas saya tadi. Saya rasa macam mau bunuh orang sekarang ni. Saya jalan laju pi dekat si Vincent, saya tidak peduli sudah. Saya tumbuk dia berabis sampai mulut dia berdarah tapi belum puas hilang tu marah saya, polis tarik kasi stop.

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