[2] my bad luv.

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i might, i might, oh girl don't mess with me i'm full of bad luv. ain't never gonna give you what you want. i'm only gonna fuck you up.

y/n wanted to be with mat so desperately. she wanted to feel his love. she wanted to be loved by him. she wanted to kiss him and never let him go but she knew she couldn't. he was bad news.

mat was either always on the road, doing drugs, or messing around with these other women. y/n knew about it but she still managed to be in love with mat.

i might be on some selfish shit sometimes, when my new girl hit my old bitch all the time, delete the text i swear to god my girl a spy.

y/n got a random text from someone. it read, "stay away from mat, you dumbass bitch or you'll get fucked up". y/n was confused. she wanted to know who was texting her this bullshit. she never told mat about because she thought it wasn't nothing serious. little did y/n know that the person texting her was serious.

y/n heard her doorbell ring. she went to the door and she looked and saw it was a girl. a girl with blond hair and she was very petite. she looked at y/n and asked, "are you y/n?" y/n responded with a nod and after that a punch was thrown to her face.

y/n felt rage inside of her and started fighting back. the blond girl was surprised. she didn't expect y/n to fight back. "what the fuck is going on?" y/n and the girl looked over and it was mat. "anne marie what the fuck are you doing" mat yelled at anne marie. she looked ashamed. y/n was confused. the previous moments were replaying in her head. she didn't know why it happened.

mat asked anne marie why she did this and she replied,"because she needs to learn how to stay the fuck away from my man. fucking hoes these days." y/n wanted to go back and fight anne marie but she knew she shouldn't. mat told anne marie to leave y/n's house and she did.

mat asked y/n, "are you okay?" y/n replied,"yeah, little bitch couldn't hurt me that bad". mat replied with a laugh and hugged her. in the hug he said,"don't worry, she won't be around anymore. i'm sorry this happened to you." y/n looked up and him and told him that it was okay. she didn't care that he did "bad things" and he didn't want her to love him, but she did love him and that was perfectly fine.

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