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    “I was hungry” yawning a little bit. “Why didn’t you wake us, we would of gotten you something.” Cain seemed annoyed. “Why? You both were asleep.” turning just my head at him. “Cause it’s our duty to get you…” I stopped him, “Whoa….hold it right there. This isn’t going to work if you two keep this crap up.” rolling over on my stomach and turning on a light that hung on the wall. Their eyes squinted and tried to focus. Finally being able to see, they sat up. “What are you talking about?” yawning at me. “I mean this isn’t going to work” folding my legs to my chest. Jun looked at Cain who frowned. “You haven’t even given us a chance…”

    Placing a finger on his lips “I wasn’t finished” turning my head to him. Blushing he looked away. “If you keep trying to spoil me, I won’t ever get anywhere. Treat me normally, I don’t need you to get me everything.” Jun cut in. “Miss Skylar we are here for you, whatever you want.” I sighed “And that’s another thing, call me sky, no more Miss crap” Cain blinked a few times before smiling. “You are a handful.” grinning as he got closer.

    For some reason I let him come closer to me, and instead of blushing I licked his cheek. I was correct and he about flipped off the bed. “What the hell” looking puzzled as he whipped his face. Giggling I looked at Jun who was speechless. My eyes twitched and I moved over to Jun who looked worried. Moving my head next to his me placed my mouth over his ear and lightly bit him. Once again the same thing happened.

    I now sat in the middle of the bed, completely alone. Both men had gotten off the bed and were too busy trying to figure out what happened. “I thought so” smiling. “You thought what?” Cain snapped. “My father picked you both, correct?” looking at them. “Yes” Jun answered. “Then it makes perfect sense to me. You two have my blood infinity types.” finally sitting at the end of the bed waiting for me to explain. “My father created the “Blood infinity project” for me. If he picked you then I already know a lot about your behaviors.”

    No comments were made, I laughed finally getting what my father was doing all those years. “That can’t be right” Mumbling to himself. “OH want me to try again?” begging him to test me. “Huh, fine but no touching.” pointing at me. “Fine I don’t need to. I can get both of you in one shot.” Jun leaned closer. “What do you mean exactly?”

    “I mean I can trigger both your infinities with one word” holding up a finger. “No freaking way” Cain huffed. “Bustier” I said without a thought. Both froze, I couldn’t help it and laughed out loud. “See told yea.” Cain snapped “Doesn’t prove anything” folding his arms. “OH so you weren’t thinking about a black bustier with a bright color lacing threw it…and you” looking at Jun, “You probably had a white one in mind with lace around the edges.”

    Guess I hit the target because they didn’t speak to me. “That’s…impossible” Jun looked at me then at Cain. Cain seemed anything but pleased. “Err” Turning my head to see him. “What are you mad, cause I know your tells?”  Crawling off the bed towards him. He took a step back, but I closed in on him. Grabbing his shirt and holding him in place. “I bet you’re the one who thought of the mirrors, that way you could see from every angle…while Jun thought it was okay as long as he could watch the girl sleep.” Again I hit my target.

    “How’d she?” Jun stood up and walked over to us. “Sky…” Cain froze. “What’s it gunna take Cain, you really want me to seduce you?” Realizing his shirt was probable worth quite a bit, I didn’t think he’d mind my next move. Ripping his shirt wide open and licking from his muscled chest all the way down to his belt. Grabbing my arms and tossing me onto the bed, he stayed put. “That’s enough Sky” covering his face with on hand. “Easy Cain” Jun stood next to him, trying to calm him. Without another word he left.

    Returning to me, Jun signed “You may have gone overboard Sky.” looking back out the door. “But I…” looking down. “Cain hasn’t even meet someone like you, he can’t control himself if you react his blood infinity, the same goes for me. Your right your father did hand pick us, he told us everything about you. Even explained a little about the blood project, we just wanted to know how much you really knew. Guess you know quite a bit.”

    Looking out the door, I felt horrible about doing that. I was just trying to make a point, but got so carried away I forgot who I was. “You’re probably wondering why you didn’t stop. It’s because your infinity is also linked with ours. You have both a strong and soft side, which is why you got both brothers from the same family.” He paused. “Even though Cain and I are only related threw family ties we still consider each other brothers.”

    “I should go check on him.” Jun left the room and me.
I slept by myself that night. The next morning I lay in bed feeling nothing but guilt. I didn’t sleep hardly at all, and kept thinking about what to say to him. I would have stayed in bed the whole day if it wasn’t for all the loud banging outside. Peering out the window, to see a small three stall barn being build. “Huh” leaning on the frame. Tossing my bed clothes on the bed I grabbed a pair of jeans and a nice shirt, along with my wallet. Then slipped on a pair of easy heels, taking off down the hall and stairs. The butler was standing in front of the door working on something. “Umm excuse me” trying not to startle him. “OH Miss Skylar.” turning around. “Hi, is there any chance I could get a ride to town?”

    “OH of course, would you like me to get the Masters for you?” I panicked. “Umm no there’s busy and I have a long day of shopping no need to drag them along.” Smiling and praying to god he went with it. He started to think it over, but agreed with me and had the limo pull around. I told the driver where I wanted to go and we left.

    About a half an hour later Jun came to see me. Knocking on the door. “Sky?” opened it. Seeing my clothes in the bed and wallet missing he left the room. Passing the stairs and heading to the first door down the other hallway. “Cain” opening his office door. “What” he was reading a book. “She’s left” Cain’s book dropped to the floor. Running down the hall and to the stairs the butler called to them. “Masters Miss Skylar has gone out for the evening.” Smiling. “What” Cain yelled jumping the last five steps?

    “Where did she go?” Jun asked before Cain could yell more. “She said she had some shopping to do.” looking worried. “Damn it, she’s so much trouble.” Cain yelled and glared at Jun. “Relax, she’ll return she took the limo is that right, Mackie?” Jun looked at the butler. “Yes sir” bowing. “See” smiling at Cain. “I’m not happy” frowning. “OH stop your pouting, she probably feels bad and went to find you something. You did act rather ruff with her.” looking away. “What, she started it.”

    The butler returned to finish his work. Cain passed the hall waiting for me to return. “You’re going to wear the floor out, stop it. She’ll be fine.” sitting on the steps.

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