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They must of not of noticed, looking down at their legs. “Ohh” Jun looked at Cain, who frowned. “No biggy” He replied still standing still. “Aww yes it is, your soaking my rug with dirty pond water, so change or better yet go home.” waving them out of my room. They didn’t budge, making me more aggravated. “Miss Skylar, we live here now.” Jun replied. My stomach turned. “What?” I don’t know if it was what I wasn’t wearing or the fact that I was still wet, that made them uncomfortable.

    “Your father has given us permission to live here, so all our things are in your room.” Cain answered trying to keep his eyes off me. “My room!” stuttering it out. Sure enough around the corner of my bed were four large bags. Without another word, I looked at Tilla who didn’t know what to do. My eye twitched, and instead of yelling at them I went into the bathroom and screamed. “Ohh dear” Tilla said coving her mouth.

    “I don’t think her father told her. “Jun looked worried at Cain. “I’m guessing not” frowning. Turning the tub water on, I waited glaring into the mirror. “I can handle this…” I repeated over and over to myself. Father was testing me, he thought I would just break and give in. Almost scaring myself with the wicked smile I started laughing. “I think she’s snapped.” Tilla exclaimed looking at the men as they changed their pants. “I can’t say I blame her, we did just meet and she’s being forced to live with us.” Cain rolled his pants up and handed them to Tilla.

    “I’ll have these cleaned and dry for you both.” Smiling. She took her leave and closed the bedroom door. Looking around at my room, they seemed confused. “Not as girly as I thought it would be.” Cain snooped a little more. “No, its rather normal. No frilly anything, and no toys. Surprising.” walking with him. They opened my closet and handing on the door was the pink dress.

“Now there’s  a shocker.” Cain laughed pointing at the dress. “That’s very girly” touching the dress.
    Taking a hot bath to relax my nerves and figuring out what I was going to do. A knock came at my door. “Miss Skylar.” Jun asked. “What do you want?” growling. “Do you need anything?” “No go away” dipping my head under the water and drowning out the sound of their handsome voices. The only sound was the movements I made under water. Finally having enough I got out, dried off and put on a change of clothes. Twirling my hair into a semi wet bun and opening the bath door.

    Both were laying comfortable on my bed. “This is very comfortable” Cain said with his eyes closed. “Hell no! Get off my bed” pulling a pair of socks on. “I guess he didn’t tell her that either?” Cain opened his eyes. “Guess not” Jun seemed more worried. “What!” It didn’t take a genius to know what they were talking about. I gave no warning to my door being swung open, only to take off down the hallway.  Cain and Jun sat up and quickly tried to keep up. Entering the Hall I hit tile and slid across it, making it to the other side and picking up a run again.

    Without knocking I slammed open my fathers office door. “What did you do?” Slamming it before Cain and Jun could come inside. He put his pen down and pulled his glasses off. “I am assuming you found out that, Cain and Jun will be living here?” asking quietly. “Uhh huh” I replied still to pissed to talk. “I am also to believe you know about the sleeping arrangements?” My teeth buckled. “Ohh yea, know about that to….father” grinding his name.

    “I would have told you sooner had you gotten up earlier like I’ve asked.” sighing. “You can’t do this to me. We had a deal” Yelling it. “No, we agreed you could live here in my house as long as you had proper partners before your nineteenth birthday, I have been more then gracious by allowing you an extra year.” standing up. “Mother would never do this to me” Crying franticly. “Do not bring your mother into this, you knew this was going to happen. And I gave you plenty of time to find partners on your own.” raising his voice higher then mine.

    “You’re a bastard! I hate you! You can’t keep me here.” Screaming more. “That’s fine, you are no longer under my protection.” Sitting back down, my face went pale. “What!” Whispering. “That’s right, I signed the agreement with Cain and Jun, they are in charge of you.” the pit of my stomach started to run sour, and everything began to spin. “You, gave me away without even telling me?” trying to find the words. “Sky you gave me no choice, how long did you think I could keep putting this off?” His voice grew gentle and approached me.

    Standing in front of me, and waiting for me to say something. The words I spoke were cruel and heartless. “I…I wish I’d never been born, the sickness should of taken me.” Tears streaming down my red cheeks, I ran out of my fathers office pushing past Cain and Jun. Falling into a chair my father cried, Jun and Cain walked in to him. “Sir” Jun leaned down. “My beautiful daughter….please be kind to her. She is very fragile, but has a wonderful heart. I just wish she could understand.” shaking his head back and forth.

“Well take her to our home, for now. Her Stallion Buck will be joining her as well.” Cain stood firm, and gave a strong impression. “Brother?” Jun looked up at him. “We don’t have a stable?” He said trying to read Cain’s face. “Then well build one.” Turning on his heels and walking out the door. Jun staid by fathers side a little longer.

    Entering my room Cain threw open the door to see me climbing out the window. “Sky” Running over and grabbing me by the waist. “Let go of me” pulling on the window frame. “No, stop this. Its not that bad.” pulling me back inside pushing me to the floor. “You lie, you know nothing about me” flinging my hands at his chest. “Then let us” pinning my arms down. “Huh!” even with the clouded vision of teary eyes, I could still see his bright blues one looking back at me.

“I am very sorry your father did not tell you everything. But we had nothing to do with that.” he spoke calmly to me, and eased my pain if only a little bit. Giving me time to think he spoke again. “Jun and I do not plan on hurting you…ever. You can live as you please, it will just be in our home. Buck will be relocated to our place as well, you will not have to go without anything you already have.” I cried more, and he let go of my hands. Jun walked in and stood quietly at the door.

“I guess we packed for nothing” Smiling sweetly at me. “Cain’s right you know, we wont hurt you.” moving to my side and sitting on the floor. He wiped away a rolling tear and moved a piece of hair out of my eyes. “But…” starting to feel more tears. “You worry to much, keep doing that and your pretty face will get wrinkles.” Jun poked my nose. Getting off of me and taking my hand, Cain pulled me up.

    “Pack whatever you like, well be waiting outside for you.” patting my head. Grabbing their bags and leaving my room, the door closed softly. Standing quietly I looked around at everything, there really wasn’t much I wanted to take with me. Tilla came in and stood next to me. “Tilla” I cried, looking at her. “Aww Miss, your very lucky, they will take good care of you.” patting my back and letting me lean on her shoulder.

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