The Girl in the Purple Dress

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Acrylic on Canvas.
One of my first paintings, so it's not very good.
Painted for my councilor... yeah I had issues in my teenage years, but it's all sunshine and rainbows these days.

For anyone else who has or had depression remember: Nothing lasts forever. You are strong! One day you will look back and it will seem like it had only taken a second, even though at the time it felt like it was never ending. You have your whole life waiting for you on the other side! :-)
Take it from me, I never thought I would be married and have a son of my own, who means the absolute world to me! There is so much to live for, even if you can imagine what the future holds, there is so much of it waiting for you and so much time for things to change and get better!
"I don't know what the future holds, but I'm going anyway!" -Unknown (I can't remember where I saw it).

Artwork By LittleRaven94Where stories live. Discover now