Sleepless Nights

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This sucks,

My heart hurts,

No sleep makes my anxiety go on overload,

Making me think, rethink everything and then think again,

I want to cry but I'm not even sure what for anymore,

I'm in so much pain yet numb at the same time,

I value sleep so much,

It helps me block out those feelings I don't like,

It stops the hollow numbness that calls me,

It beckons my name like a warm hug or a strong drink,

I fought so hard to get the good feelings to come out of me,

After being buried deep down inside of me for so long,

I can't become the nothingness I was before,

But sometimes it seems easier to be that numb person,

Less heartache, less caring,

Less of who I am,

When I'm that numb person I care for no one and nothing,

And I refuse to be that again,

So I shove my face in the pillow and suffocate the numbness until I am asleep,

A half hour goes by and I can still feel the numbness creeping through me,

So I suffocate it again and again,

Until I see the sun peeking through the blinds,

Letting me know I have lived through another night,

Ready to live a happy day and ready to fight tonight for another happy day tomorrow,

This sucks!

But I'll keep fighting.

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