“You must be the partners, the Master has picked for Skylar” Smiling at them both. “Yes” Cain answered short. “Well good luck.” she laughed turning back to watch. “Why do you say that?” Jun asked without looking at her. “Because Sky hates men.” plainly said. This had both men’s heads looking. “Hates them? Why?”

    “Who knows! She use to have a few boyfriends when her mother was alive, but I have a hunch she was hurt by one.” looking long faced. “Umm I guess that would do it.” looking back outside. Messing around with the stallion, we jumped a few small jumps and cantered a circle. The loud barks for the three farm dogs came barreling around the side of the barn. They had a chicken they were after and didn’t even notice me. “Ohh no, Skylar” The teacher screamed out.

    It was far past my hearing and the chicken ran right past the stallion, followed by three over barring dogs. He reared and took off like a bolt of lightening. “Skylar” She screamed again watching us clear the four foot fence into the open field. “Cain!” Jun yelled as they both took off running for me. “Easy Buck, easy.” pulling back on the reins while trying to keep my balance.

    Everything became a blur as I pulled back one last time, before falling off into a small pond. Screaming out as I hit the water and bounced. “Damn it!” Buck reared and snorted a few times before trotting back over to me. “Damn it Buck” trying to get to my feet. Cain and Jun ran over to me “Miss Skylar” Jun called running into the water with his nice clear suit. “What are you doing?” in disbelief. Cain followed and picked me up.

    “Hey! Put me down.” hitting him on the shoulder. “No” looking around and getting out of the water. Jun took the reins off Buck and walked him to my side. “I said put me down.” wiggling in his arms. “Why are you fussing?” He asked staring down at me. “Because your touching me” practically screaming it out. “But I’m not touching you anywhere inappropriate.” blinking a few times. “That’s not the point.” grumbling.

    “Are you hurt Miss Skylar?” Jun asked looking me over. My once dry riding pants were soaked along with my white t-shirt which had become see threw. “No, just humiliated.” looking away. Jun’s eyes got bigger, “She’s so cute” getting to close to my face. “Stop it!” blushing and turning away only to face Cain. Smiling at me just as stunning as his brothers. “How long are you going to hold me?” looking for some place to look. They laughed lightly before walking back towards the barn.

    Placing me on a bench and standing over me. “Miss Skylar!” The teacher ran over to me completely out of breath. “I’m fine” getting up with water dripping off. “Your soaked”  My eyes rolled, “No kidding!” flicking my finger. I took Buck and walked him over to an area to be un-tacked. “Don’t you think, you should let a stable…” I cut her off “No, no one touched Buck but me.” Pulling off the bareback pad. Finishing up I headed back for the house, with two tailgaters. On entering the house my father happen to be passing threw. “Sky…what happened?” looking from me to both men. “A Chicken…” getting more annoyed.

    Not understanding he didn’t ask anymore. Leaving and heading down my hallway, both men still with in arms reach of me. “Tilla!” I yelled trying to walk and pull my water filled boots off. “Coming Miss” She called back, making it to me. “My what happened?” She blushed at the sight of the men. “Stupid Chicken…Stupid dogs…err help” flopping on my bedroom floor. She grabbed my boot only to have a small pool of water soak me more.

    “Perfect” pulling off the other one. Standing inside my room watching everything, they didn’t make a sound. “umm Miss” She whispered looking sideways at them. “Ignore them.” Pulling off my soaked shirt and tossing it in the hamper. They blushed and tried to look somewhere else. Their facing increased in color when I stripped out of my wet pants. Something croaked close by me. “Huh!” Looking in a mirror to see a tree frog stuck to my head.

    My hands lay on the table which held the mirror up, and I started laughing. “Miss?” Tilla walked over to me. “What are you doing up there?” putting a hand on my head. Tilla screamed as she saw the little green creature. “Ohh stop it Tilla, its just a tree frog.” carefully holding him in my hands. “Here we go.” Opening the window and placing him out side. He hopped to a near by tree and crocked again, letting me close the window back up. “Miss how could you touch that…thing?” shaking all over.

“Huh! What’s the big deal?” getting close to her. “Its all slimy and has big eyes” making her fingers into circles around her eyes. Making me laugh, “They’re harmless, besides its my fault for going in his pond.” rolling my shoulders and heading in the bathroom. I stopped noticing both of them were still wet halfway up their pant legs. “Hey?” yelling. They turned to look at me, but blushed harder and turned away. “How long you going to stay wet like that?”

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