
Frustration was mingling with the terror building up behind her ribcage, making her clench her fists in aggravation and deal a blind glare to whoever might have been standing in the vicinity. "I know that!" she snapped, her voice edged with hysteria. "But who? Are you here to help me - or am I j-just supposed to sit here and -"

Wait,the mysterious person finished for her, as if it had read her mind.. Yes... that is precisely what you are supposed to do.

"Wait for what?!" Rose screamed angrily into the void, tears streaking down her ice-cold cheeks as she made to get up. "What am I doing here? Where am I going next - who the hell's supposed to be answering all these questions?!"

The voice waited a moment before it responded. Some questions are better left unanswered.

Rose found herself being pushed back under the force of some unseen weight, pressing her against the seemingly non-existent floor, but she still found the strength to resist whoever was trying to weigh her down. The closeness of the air - if it was air, and if, indeed, she was breathing at all - was making her want to choke... she had suffered from claustrophobia for years, and this was making her feel so nauseous that she could have fainted, but she was determined not to pass out... she wanted answers, damn it...!

"Answer mine," she pleaded, collapsing against the ground and letting her head roll back exhaustedly. "Please... I'm scared, okay?"

You need not fear, youngling.

She couldn't help but shake her head, a tiny sigh escaping her as she let her sightless eyes drift closed. "Really?" she murmured, feeling something like sleep overtaking her as arms enfolded her waist, dragging her down into the depths of oblivion. "I'm alone... I'm dead at nineteen... I died for someone that I don't even know is alive or not... and now I don't know where I am, or if I'm going anywhere else." She paused, feeling herself sinking but making no attempt to stop it. "And you tell me I don't need to be afraid."

You have no reason to be afraid. You have unbalanced the fates, Rosa... you have distorted the Plan with your deeds, and now that distortion must be straightened. But the time must be right... the Plan must unfold before it can be amended.

"I don't understand..."

You do not have to. You must wait... but your wait cannot be long.

"Hurry, Skyfire," Jade urged anxiously as the Spirit bomber landed, jolting her in her seat.

"I am trying, my jewel..."

Seraphim had sounded absolutely beside herself when she had contacted the adolescent brunette from the ground, and Jade was frantic to get to her friend before the femme did something really stupid. She had shouted something about Carlos being injured; begged for Jade's immediate assistance, along with Skyfire's; she had been screaming out each word like a woman deranged, and Jade had pleaded with her spark partner to land at once, in spite of how dangerous it was.

If Carlos was hurt...

Oh, why had this had to happen?! Damn it, she was Carlos's best friend - and they had ruined it all, at the precipice of a battle, by fighting over something as pathetic as a little crush she'd had on him in fifth grade. Okay, so it had been bigger for him... he... loved her... still loved her... but for God's sake! Why had he been so much of an asshole, when he knew that they might both be killed in this battle?

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