After a minute or two, however, she could no longer stand it. "Alexis," she said slowly, and was rewarded with a brief glance from the girl's unmade-up green eyes, which she noticed were ringed with dark shadows, "What... what did Ratchet mean when he said that the All Spark has... claimed you for itself, or something like that?"

A small, humourless 'huh' of laughter escaped Alexis and she shook her head, smiling dourly. "He meant what he said, Mikaela," she sighed, passing her hand over her sore forehead. "It wants to use me to kill Unicron."

"But how?" the other girl pressed, leaning closer. "I don't understand it..."

"Nor do I," Alexis whispered brokenly, but found that there were no tears left in her to cry. "But... it's happening. And I just have to accept it now."

Mikaela stared at her, her aquatic eyes wide with shock. "Accept it...?" she repeated, shaking her head. Alexis's attitude was frightening her - badly. "Alexis, you do know how the All Spark is going to use you, don't you? Why won't you tell me?" She paused, biting her lip for an instant before she asked softly, "Have I done something wrong?"

Alexis's head snapped up and she shook her head quickly, regretting her decision when her cranium seemed to throb with pain. "No, Mikaela. You've been the best friend I've ever had for the past three years. But... you've got enough on your mind without my worries, too."

"I don't have that many worries," Mikaela insisted quietly, putting her hand on Alexis's shoulder comfortingly. "C'mon, Alexis."

"You have worries enough," the other girl pointed out firmly, folding her stick-like arms over her chest. "What are you going to say to your mom and dad about going to Virginia, for example? If I know your dad, he won't let you go without a fight... he was separated from you for a year when he went to prison, and I can't picture him being happy about you leaving the state."

"Dad will have to let me go in the end." She lowered her blue-green eyes, flexing her jaw. "I don't know if you feel the same way, but I don't feel like they're my family any more, Alexis. I love my dad so much - I really do - and I love my mom. But... I think my true family is with the Autobots now."

There was a short lapse in conversation before the reply came. "I feel that way, too."

Mikaela nodded slightly, her jaw still clenched as she stared out over the cliffside. She tilted her head so that her cheek was rested against her knees before she spoke once again. "In a way... Ratchet's way more like a dad to me. I love him so much - he's taught me a lot about myself and everything else, and he's always there for me. And I know that Dad was in prison and so he couldn't be with me... but he was a criminal."

"He did it because you guys needed money," Alexis reminded her. "He just cared about you and your mom, right?"

"But he could've just gone and got a job in a store or something," Mikaela muttered bitterly, clenching her fist and causing one of her large, faux-diamond rings to catch the sunlight as she did so. "He didn't have to steal cars. And mom could've babysat me instead of him taking me with him, but she was too busy drinking and clubbing."

Alexis shook her head, unable to think of anything to say.

Finally, the brunette heaved a sigh and put her face in her hands wearily. "I don't care any more. They've got each other... and I have been living with the Autobots for two years. It's not like I'm still living at home and I'm suddenly leaving."

"But don't you think you should tell them the truth?" Alexis said persuasively, putting a hand on Mikaela's hunched back. "I know that they've gone wrong in a few places with their parenting, but... but I still think that you owe your dad some kind of truth, if not your mom. Just tell him that you're in safe hands... just let him know you're going to be okay, or he'll never forgive himself."

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