Edgar Frog

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Ring. Ring. Riiiiiiing.

He wasn't picking up.

"Damn it Sam." Edgar growled as he slammed the phone down on the receiver for the third time that night. The sun had set over an hour ago and during that time Edgar had no success in getting in touch with the Emerson. The guy was practically on death row, why the hell wasn't he picking up?

Edgar scowled as he glared down at a tall stack of well-thumbed comic books that sat in a corner on the tiny card table he used to do everything on except sleep. Vampires Everywhere! was lying there open to the page where the busty blond victim in a revealing negligee was sound asleep on a bed and the would-be vampire was hovering outside her bedroom window.

The picture didn't sit too well with Edgar. With a grunt he grabbed the comic and threw it onto the cluttered counter and out of his line of sight.

Okay, maybe he was over-reacting. Maybe Sam was still out cold.

After Sam had collapsed on the beach Edgar had done what his twenty years of training had prepared him for. He had tried to revive Sam but when that didn't work he did what he had to do to keep Sam in the mortal realm. Half a water bottle of holy water to the face was enough to make even the most comatose of vampires sit up and take notice. Sam hadn't been any different. Edgar had been forced to slug the guy in the face a few times to calm him down but once the burning sensation wore off Sam came to his senses.

After that Sam sang like a bird and Edgar hauled his half-dead carcass off the beach and straight into the seedy motel room that the guy had been staying in. It was a roach hole if Edgar ever saw one but at least there weren't any flies. Flies would have been Sam's death sentence.

Flies and the undead go together like bullets and guns.

Edgar snorted as he grabbed one of the two wooden stools in his trailer and sat down. He had done all he could to secure Sam in his room. Holy water on the door and window frames, crucifixes and garlic strands nailed to the wall, hell he even went as far as to bless the place and sanctify it in the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. Aside from his trailer and a few churches in town there wasn't a safer place to be.

Of course Sam didn't quite see it that way. Edgar had to put his foot down, literally, when Sam tried to interfere with the holy ritual but Edgar couldn't hold it against the guy. The disease was starting to take a firm hold and Edgar had fully expected Sam to react as he did. Even a half-vampire couldn't stand being on consecrated ground.

After knocking Sam out with a well-placed blow to the back of the head Edgar had dragged the guy into the bathroom, handcuffed him to the base of the toilet and left the phone within easy reach. The plan was to get in touch with Sam once the sun went down but it wasn't working out that way.

He better try again.

Edgar reached behind him, snagged the phone and quickly dialled the number to Sam's room that he had gotten off the motel owner but this time instead of ringing Edgar got the busy signal.

"Oh great." Edgar sighed and placed the phone on the receiver, gently this time. That nagging feeling in his gut was acting up again and Edgar knew what that meant. He had to get over to the motel and he had to do it now.

Closing his eyes for a moment Edgar breathed in deeply and collected his thoughts. He shouldn't have left Sam alone but he had no choice. If what Sam said was true and Alan was on his way to Luna Bay to bring the Second Coming down on his head, Edgar had to make sure that he was damn well prepared to face the fire. It had taken a few hours to get the truck ready with every intention on swinging by the motel to pick Sam up. Edgar refused to wait around for his notorious brother to show up. He was going to bring the fight to the enemy. Only now it seemed that enemy gained a new foothold.

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