Chapter 13- should we?

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Chapter 13- should we?

My eyes went to a blurred vision as they slowly opened. To my left on the pillow was a note that Niall had written to me:

Dear Franny,
Please love, don't hate me but I took a flight to Ireland this morning and am planning on staying there for a week. Sorry that I got a little home sick! But don't worry I will be thinking of you the whole time! And I'll bring you back a souvenir too... I love you and missing you tons! Maybe you can FaceTime me later! Love you beautiful girlie!

Your love,

To me, this was good... And bad...
That gives Harry and I time to be together, but it's not said what will happen when we're together. I just love Harry and Niall both! I'm a complete mess wearing a costume of a strong girl, did I getcha?

My mom had got me a diary about a week ago. What better time to write in it than when I'm at the hospital anyways.
I started the first entry today.

Down days:

So, I had a dream last night about Harry and I... And, it was magnificent! The best moment was when we kissed... It felt so real! Like, how it used to be. It just makes me feel so wrong to have those dreams because I know I'm with Niall, but I think I still love Harry too! But that dream... It was a highlight! One part if me wants to be with Niall... But the other part is screaming for Harry! I don't know what to do anymore. I've been having trouble with eating, and feeling happy, I mean I should be happy, I really should, but I'm just not! There must be something wrong with me... but what?? Maybe Harry is who I really want... But... What about my Niall??

*knock* * knock*

"Yes?" I asked as I stared at the door

"Fran? It's Harry! Can I come in?" He asked

"Ummm, well... I..." I tried to hide my diary from him so he wouldn't get a hold of the letter. The last thing I need is for that to get out.
"Uhhh, come in!" I hid the diary under my pillow.

Harry walked in with a bunch of get well balloons and and flowers.
"Here love, these are for you! How are you feeling?"

"Harry! That's so sweet of you! I'm feeling a little better now... Thank you."
I said feeling lower than ever before.

"No you don't..." Se said back as he say beside me.

"No... I do."

"No Fran, you don't, I've known you for too long now... What's up? I'm here for you."
I shift my position, revealing a piece of the diary.

"What's that?" Harry reached under the pillow.

"Umm, it's nothing, I-"
Harry completely ignored me and read it.

Harry read it. Every time he read a piece if it, he just smiled and giggled a little.
Ughhh, it was so embarrassing!
I felt my face turn red as I his my face in the sheets.

"Franny, is it true?" He asked with a smile.


"What you wrote about me. Do... Do you still have feelings for me?"

"Harry I don't know! I think I do... But I don't know!"

"It's ok if you do... Because I still do for you." He rubbed my cheek softly.

"Ok fine I do alright! But Niall... I still love Niall too! Harry what do I do!? I love you both!"

"We'll deal with Niall when he gets back from Ireland, it can be a little secrete... I won't tell." He leaned over me.

"Harry but what if-" I was silenced with his kiss.

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