"How are you? How's Logan?" She whispers Logan's name, as if she were terrified he was in the room. I once again, smile to myself as the thought of my now kind mate.

"He's...great, mama. He's completely changed and I really like this side of him. He's cheeky, and caring and funny, everything I wanted my mate to be." I begin, "I think I'm gonna be happy with him." I finish and she stays silent.

"I am so happy for you, baby." She says and I let out a breath of relief that my mom doesn't hate my mate. "Your father will not be as happy as I am, and trust me I still want to knock that boy out, but I am happy for you." She explains and I laugh at the thought of my slender mother knocking Logan out.

"I don't doubt that for a second." I say as I fold another T-shirt into my closet. "How's papa?" I ask her, and for the next hour my mother and I catch up with each other. While my mom and I are capable of creating an earthquake with our intense fights, I cherish these moments where we talk like best friends in high school.


"Hey, Kota!" I hear a cheery voice say and I turn from the fridge to see Matt smiling at me.

"Matt!" I squeal and wrap my around his waist to give him a friendly hug. "How are you?"

He smiles at me and pours himself a cup of coffee, "Great! I missed you, where have you been?" He inquires and I freeze.

"Er. I went to visit my home pack for a bit, I was really missing them." I try not to stutter as I somewhat lie to him. He raises his eyebrow as he takes a sip of hip coffee.

"Really?" He inquires and I sigh.

"Really." I confirm. I awkwardly tap my fingers on the counter and look at him. "How's your mate?" His eyes fill with happiness and I almost awe at his love struck expression. 

"She's perfect. God, I still can't believe she's my mate sometimes...She's way too good for me. You know what, you should meet her sometime soon!" He gushes and my jaw falls open at how sweet he is. 

"I would love that!" I say and he smiles. He clears his throat and nods.

"Oh, Matt do you think you can keep training me? I might be a bit out of shape now but I really want to get back at it!" I ask sheepishly and he laughs at me.

"I thought you'd never ask!" He teases and I squeal lightly.

"Oh, just so you know, I really want abs by the end of this!" I inform him cheekily and he only laughs again. 

Suddenly I hear footsteps on the tile ground of the kitchen and a delicious musky scent floods my nose. I smile as I feel my mate press up against me and put his arm around my shoulder. He kisses my cheek and whispers a hello in my ear.

"Hey, love." I greet him and he smiles. 

"Matt." Logan greets him with a firm nod and light smile. 

"Alpha." Matt bows his head in respect before leaving the kitchen, not before smiling and winking at me lightly. I feel Logan stiffen and pull me closer to him.

"Bye, Kota!" He says and I wave at him. Logan's head follows him as he leaves the kitchen and he turns to me once it's just the two of us in there. 

"Why the hell did he wink at you?" He growls out and my eyes widen at how angry he sounds. 

"Logan, calm down he has his own mate! It's just Matt being Matt, he's cheeky!" I scrutinize him for being so possessive for no reason. I watch as he frowns at me.

"I'm cheeky too." He mumbles like a little boy and my heart melts. Poor little Alpha. I kiss his jaw and then his cheek, unable to resist him.

"Yes you are, and I love it."I smile and him and that seems to cheer him up as his eyes brighten up. "How was the meeting?" I ask him as finally I turn in his embrace and wrap my arms around his waist. 

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