carlisle almost killed me #notclickbait

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when school got out I strted to walk home. it was cold like always and it was raining super hard. my hair was wet. my house was far away bacause my parents like the woods. we live down the road from the cullens. they don't go outside much and when they do its only to camp I don't understand why someone would like to camp. natures gross.

i go to walk across the road to go to my driveway when a car almosts hits me. i glare at the driver until i notice it was Carlisle. he gets out and grabs my shoulders.

'jess, are you alright? i didnt see you, i could have killed you!' he was screaming and shaking me. his hands were cold.i shiver because of the cold.

"you were driving to fast!' i said my head hurt i coud feel the darkness before it overtook me.


'she looks dead' someone said. I couldnt tell who, it sounded like a man.

'maybe you should let her die.'

'esme, she just past out, shes not going to die. i just scared her.' that voice was Carlisle, i remmber because his voice is so sweet.

'im just saying that shes in our house Car, shes going to find out we are vampires. what if jasper comes in, hes goion to smell her blood and that could be bad.'

'i know.' he whispered.

i tried to open my eyes but it was to heavy. i felt a hand run throught my hair.

'i know' he said again.


the next time i woke up i was in my room. my walls are painted black. there were band posteres all over the walls of Black Veil Brides, BOTDF, MCR, Falling in Reverse and other bands.. the curtains kept all light out and the only light that was on was my small skull light next to my bed.

i groan and almost roll into t he floor but i stop myself. my sheets are black and my blanket is black with skulls. i get up and notice that im in my pajamas which is a bat onesie.

i open my door and peek intp the hallway. i can hear my mom and dad downstairs talking to someone. i lisen harder and notice its carlisle. my heart beats faster and i can hear him pause. i creep down the stiars and look into the living room. he is on the couch talking to my parents nad he looks super hot because his shirt is wet and clinging to his  sculpted chest and muscular arms. His hair is soaked and pushed to the side. I can  see the waateer on his skin. i want to lick it off.

he stands and i can see a small puddle under his feet. did he run me home???? hes soaked with rain.

i blush really hard because he caught me staring at him, but my mom stands up and smiles at me. i feel my blood run cold.

"jessy," she said. nobody calls me jessy, deffienenly not her. 'are you okay, honey bunches?' she asked.

i can tell shes mad at me, but i didnt care. i run down the stairs and smile at carlisle. 'thank you for saving mylife.' i beam.

he chuckles and pats my head. 'no problem, Little Bat.' he laighs. next time i will drive slower. you should look both ways next time. hahaha.'

i giggle like a little girl. 'well, you should get going.' my dad says. 'it's late and its getting dark, dr Cullen.'

'i should be going.' he says. 'i will see you latere, Jessica.' he says. ' it was nice finally meeting you two.'

'you and your family should come over sometime and have dinner.' mom sayds.

'ah,' carlisle paused. 'we will see.' he leaves.

'Jessica what the heck was that?!' dad yelled.

'I didnt mean to be almost killed!' i scream back.

'Do you have any idea what the town would have thought and said if we let you die already?"

mom shook her head. 'how can you be so selfish.'

i can feel the tears in my eyes. they slowly leak out. 'im goung to bed.' i say and run up the stairs.

'no dinner for you, miss priss!' mom yells and dad puts his arm aroiunf her.

'how did we go wrong, we raised the worst child ever!' he whispered and kisses her caramel colored hair.

I flop onto my bed and clutch my pillow to me.

i heard esme say they were vampires. that can't be right, vampires don't exist. but that would explain why they never go outside and jasper never ate when he sat the lunch tabel with me,. carlisle also looked like he ran all the way here. did he run me home? he couldnt, unless...

Unless the cullens are vampires for real.

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