Chapter 02 | The First Day

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       I sat bolt right up in the bed, cold sweat dripping down my forehead. I wiped it away quickly, shivering when I felt it drip down my spine. I looked around the room I was in frantically trying to find any source of familiarity. 

       I felt my self relax when I saw the picture's in frames I had hung up on my walls, and my phone charging on my desk beside my bed. I brought a hand to my forehead, my cold palm soothing my warm forehead.

       I took a deep breath and tried to settle my nerves. I had another nightmare about the slumber party... It was awful. Absolutely awful. I closed my eyes and counted to 20, something I've always found very helpful. Once I got to 20, I opened my eyes and looked around my room trying to find the time.

       My eyes had adjusted to the darkness as I glanced at my alarm clock on my desk. 4:00 am.

       I sighed and turned on the desk lamp beside my bed. I pulled off the covers and hopped out of bed. Once my feet hit the cold wood floor, I immediately shivered once again. I walked tiredly to my window and slowly opened the curtains displaying the starry night sky. The view was breathtaking and I soon found myself opening the window and stepping out onto the small balcony.

       A breeze blew through my hair as I stepped onto the concrete. I looked around at the quiet town in all of its innocence. Paris was a strange thing at night, for its beauty was breathtaking. 

       The sky was a dark blue and in the sea of blue lay a few lone shining stars. The bright light caused them to stand out against the clouds that were placed here and there.

       In the corner of my eye, I caught something move. I looked over at the scene where I caught movement, my eyes looking around trying to find what had moved. I saw something or someone jump onto the top of City Hall and I gasped. 

       It looked like a boy... or a cat? I honestly have no idea.

       Then, a red figure jumped onto the top of City Hall as well and I felt myself take a step back. I strained my eyes to see the figures in the darkness as they talked. I watched them as they talked and laughed, it made my heart begin to beat with jealously.

       How careless these people were, just standing on top of City Hall like they owned the place. I heard more laughter and I growled. How could anyone be happy in Paris? It was the exact city that had ruined my life 4 years ago, filling the people who walked the streets with confusion, anger, and sympathy. 

       Whenever anyone looked at me, so much as glanced at me, they would either glare or send me looks of pity. And here these two people were, chatting like everything was fine and dandy in the world.

       I scoffed and rubbed the tiredness from my eyes once more. I began to turn away from the two and head back to my room to try and get at least another hour of sleep before getting ready for school. As I reached for the handle to my window, my eyes still on the two, I noticed them part ways. 

       The red figure use her or his yo-yo? to fly away, and the figure dressed in black use his pole to jump from building to building. The strange contraptions they both used struck me as strange, but I decided to brush it off. It was Paris after all, I had been gone for quite some time.

       I watched them both disappear into the night, my hand frozen on the handle. It was so strange coming back to Paris and seeing people with so much joy and happiness. Just yesterday, mom had taken Lily and I to walk around town. 

       I was sent an overwhelming amount of looks of pity, and some of them glares. I had brushed it off when mom asked me what was wrong, but deep down it really bothered me.

       I opened my window and walked back into my room, locking the window and closing the curtains. I crawled back underneath the comfort of my covers and glanced at the clock once more. 4:25 am. I closed my eyes and felt sleep begin to come back over me once again. My last thought was of the two people talking and laughing like everything was right in the world, and then I had passed out.

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