Chapter 2 Nightmares

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I hope this is a good solid first chapter for this fan fic! Comment and tell me what you think! xx

     The sweat slowly began to glide down the sides of my cheeks as the pace of my running increased. I am running. Sprinting as fast as possible. I don't know what I'm running from, but I know it wants to kill me. As I'm running I trip over a small stone in the grass. I know that if I try to get up and run again, I wont make it. I turn to look behind me to see what it is that is chasing me. I feel pain only for a moment. Then it stops and everything goes black.

     My eyes shoot open and I sit up in my seat as fast as i can. " Are you okay Sav?" my mom looks worried. It's probably because I'm dripping in sweat. " I'm fine, just another bad dream." I have actually been having nightmares like this ever since my dad died. "You were screaming again and your sweating a lot." "I am really starting to worry about these nightmares of yours." She says sternly. "I'm sure they will get better as time goes on mom, don't worry about it." I lied. I feel like these awful nightmares will never go away.

     I think it'd be abnormal to not have bad dreams like mine with what I've experienced. I guess you could say I've witnessed a murder. I saw my dad the night he was killed. Covered in blood. Very pale. I don't like thinking about it because I relive it enough in my dreams. We don't know exactly what killed him. I don't want to know. It was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. Sometimes in my nightmares I see him, how he was. Then a dark shadowy figure takes the last bit of life from his eyes. Then there's the other kind of nightmares. The ones where I'm the victim. The figure is chasing me. Draining every last ounce of life from my body. I just hope that with time they will lessen. My mother didn't see what I saw. She doesn't understand what I am going through because she hasn't seen the things that I have seen. I pray every day that she never has too.

     I reach to turn on the radio to try and drown out my thoughts and scared feelings. I then realized where we were. We were finally in Tennessee. "Are we close to our new home yet?" I ask scared to hear her response. "Were officially in Baileyton!" She announced proudly. My mom has always been a classy woman who takes a lot of pride in what is hers. I wouldn't say we are really rich, but definitely wealthy. My mom has been a nurse for a very long time and she is very good at her job. My dad was a pediatrician. One of the best in all of San Diego! So obviously when he died all of his money went to me and my mom. Some of that did of course go to my older brother Luke, but I don't like talking about him.

Hope everyone liked the first official chapter! My other chapters will normally be longer than this but I am just getting used to how long I can write to make a good full chapter! Comment and Vote below xx

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