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Well no matter what I thought we still have to talk about business. "So we'll be room mates?" I asked. He seemed to be off set by my tone of voice. "Yes and no." He answered"we'll be sleeping, eating and training together, but everything else will be separate." He seemed to turn slightly pink at the last part. "Well um I don't want to leave my friends and family." I said. "Already taken care of." Tyler said matter of factly. "Oh okay." I said uncertainly. "I guess I'm in." "That's great!!" Tyler said while grinning. "What do I pack?" I asked. "Pack a few outfits, few prized possessions, and stuff like that." He paused. "But only the bare minimum." He warned. "Okay when do we leave." I yet again questioned. "Right now as soon as you pack up." He looked uncertain for a second then added. "I'll help you pack if you want." "I'd like that thanks." I replied. We headed up stairs to my somewhat neat room. "Sorry about the geeky stuff." I apologized. "What geeky stuff?" Tyler said. The seriousness in him slipping away. "This is amazing." "Thanks.." I said. "It's just some hand I've been working on. I had hoped to finish it but I guess it'll wait forever." "Don't worry you can make a newer, better, higher tech one where we're going." I felt my face smile brightly. "Yeah!" I said. "It'll be great and we'll work on it together." "I guess yeah!" Tyler said enthusiastically. We went through my clothes in a how do I put this oh yes it was awkward. Then we grabbed some of my posters and my notes on theories and math. At least Tyler seemed surprised by its contents. But what do I care he's just surprised someone like me could think like that. Nothing else. I guess... after that we headed outside to see a limo. "Is that a limo!!!" I whispered excitedly. "Uh huh." Tyler nodded. "We like to travel in style. He then tried to tip an imaginary hat. We laughed then the driver gave us a look so after that we sat like stone. Silent and still. But that was okay with me I had a lot on my mind.

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