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I just read Enders game. I ADORED the book. Then I watched the movie. I ADORED the movie for a totally different reason. I decided stuff like that isn't too far away in the future, so why not give it a push and start my own battle school. Honestly I thought myself as crazy, but some of the smartest, brilliant, and the most respected people are crazy. I have ties to NASA. I only have ties to NASA because I was VERY logical. I wasn't the smartest I'll admit, but my logic created a strategy. That strategy has been planned perfectly to my tactic. My tactic of surviving my life. Before you start saying surviving what. I'm just surviving being me. Although I am slightly odd and different that made me strive to be not just a little girl ,but someone who is respected for her brains. This is what attracted the attention of NASA. I'm actually only in middle school, so this is actually big for me. I was called put of class to be talked to by someone. I always think I'm in trouble when I'm called to the office. 59% of the time I am in trouble, but the part is I never do anything. The worst I could think of this time was that I was being too frank with people. In my logic I'm not rude, but I tend to just say things that don't go checked. I also correct my teachers, but that's all I could think of. When I opened the door I saw him. The leader of NASA. I almost fainted at the sight why would he want anything to do with me. I'm just a middle school girl. The next thing that happened actually did make me faint. HE SPOKE TO ME!!!!!!! In 3...2...1... blackout. I woke up five seconds later. He looked at me and said "so you know who I am." I nodded my head vigorously. "Why do you want to see me?" He seemed to then look like he was the nervous one. "Well I've seen your test scores and they are average, but through the cameras, sound systems, and lip reading." He then cleared his throat." It seems you are smarter than you appeared to be." " how so?" I asked jinxing with the principal. "Well by looking at your reading lexile you seem to be able to comprehend what your reading. From your math you seem to have trouble with the simple things. In history you are just spot on in battles and wars." He then paused. " your science grade dropped drastically but your teacher says that she has heard you speak and write about stuff that is above her and this school." "My grades dropped because I always kept forgetting to turn in my work." I then stopped, but then kept going. "Second of all I am ordinary. I am a planner. Heck I joke about being smart enough to take over the world but I'm not." " actually you are we've heard your logic about space about Enders game." He stopped then signaled for the principal to leave the room. "Just like you we want to create a school like Enders game, but better." " we want to recruit you." I started to say something again but the bell rung. " well I have to go to class." "Actually no we want you to go home and think about this. We have already contacted the parents. The choice is yours. " I stared at him in disbelief." Good bye alister see you tomorrow." I then walked out of the office thinking harder than usual. 

Should I keep writing. Anyways comment, vote, and follow. I want you guys to write a character to be alister's friend the best one will be added to the story, and I will follow them. The girl is alister.

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Andrew signing out

Bye my shining stars(get it space stars)

Enders game secretsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora